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到这时,我已经得到单一元素情况了。At this stage I'm at my singleton case.

辛莱顿先生想就这次选举和你打赌。Singleton wants to bet with you on the election.

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辛莱顿先生想就这次选举和你打赌。Mr. Singleton wants to bet with you on the election.

服务定位器作为集合的形式实现起来要简单的多。It is much simpler for the service locator to be a singleton.

单例创建模式是一个通用的编程习语。The Singleton creation pattern is a common programming idiom.

通过使用这种功能,您可以使用流行的单例模式。Through this functionality, you can use the popular singleton pattern.

因此,每个类型的消息将有它自己的通知类型和静态单身。So, each message type will have it's own notifier type and static singleton.

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Singleton——返回对委托对象单个实例的引用。Singleton -- returns reference to the single instance of the delegate object.

这一数据库的数据资料来源于1995年-1997年间单胎分娩的11,061,599名孕妇。The database is made up of 11,061,599 singleton deliveries between 1995 and 1997.

通过序列化和反序列化去复制一个单例对象。Copies of a singleton object that has undergone serialization and deserialization.

如上所述,在创建该类的单个实例后,该代码会将其初始化。As I said, after creating the singleton instance of the class, the code initializes it.

独生子女父母年老退休时一次性奖励标准也是15年未变。Singleton female parents retired old lump-sum award standard is 15 years is not changed.

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这项测试对单胎妊娠最佳,多胎妊娠有可能会影响结果。This test is best for singleton pregnancy and multiply pregnancy might affect the result.

您可以像调用静态方法一样访问单例对象的方法。You can access methods on singleton objects similar to how you would call static methods.

但更糟的问题是模型只是通过单体模式表达的一个全局状态。And, to make matters worse, the model is simply a global state, expressed through a singleton.

这个单实例对象是根用户管理对象,启动和停止所有其他管理任务。This singleton is the root management object that starts and stops all other management tasks.

当一个单例对象被当着垃圾回收,然后该单例类又被重新加载,一个新的单例对象被创建。When a singleton class is garbage-collected and then reloaded, a new singleton instance is created.

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而非独生子女获得的总的社会支持分数和感受到的社会支持都要比独生子女的多。Rather than one-child won general social support scores and feel social support than the singleton female.

研究人员研究了2003年到2005年5个英国产科病房4.1万名单胎孕妇。Researchers studied nearly 41, 000 singleton pregnancies between 2003 to 2005 at five British maternity wards.

独生与非独生子女之间、男女大学生之间总体压力和应对方式上均存在显著差异。The overall pressure and solution differ greatly between singleton and non-singleton, male and female students.