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什么是任意性?What is arbitrariness?

什么是任意性?。I. 6 What is arbitrariness?

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但它的随意性就是问题所在。But its arbitrariness is the problem.

随意性的开支是‘月光族’产生的根源。Arbitrariness of the spending is' moonlight clan 'cause.

任意性包含绝对任意性和相对任意性。Arbitrariness consists of an absolute one and a relative one.

象似性与任意性是辩证统一的。Therefore arbitrariness and iconicity are dialectically unified.

英语词汇不但具有非理据性,同时具有非任意性。English vocabulary has the nature of arbitrariness and motivation.

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自我为中心,傲慢已经成为年轻人的明显特征。So self-centeredness and arbitrariness have become a trait of the young people.

这样可以避免审判人员适用酌定量刑情节随意性。This applies to the discretion of sentencing judges to avoid arbitrariness in the plot.

但针对全世界胡乱设定的签证要求,我仍可以写出一本书来。But I could still write a book on the arbitrariness of visa requirements the world over.

它规定了绝对能量,排除了经典的能量零点的任意性。It establishes an absolute energy , removing the classical arbitrariness of the zero of energy.

本文首先探讨了语言任意性和理据性的关系。First, the relationship between language arbitrariness and motivation is explored in this thesis.

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语言符号的任意性是个颇有争议的语言哲学概念。Arbitrariness of language symbols is a widespread and controversial concept in linguistic philosophy.

笔者认为语言符号的非任意性比任意性更为合理。This paper holds the view that language sign's non-arbitrariness is more reasonable than arbitrariness.

意义的象似表征理论动摇了索绪尔语言学中任意性的定律。The iconic representation of linguistic meaning has shaken the law of arbitrariness in Saussurean linguistics.

我们赞同他在唤起大众的法律意识方面所用的巧妙方法,他的傲慢和任意专断就源自于我们对他的这种赞同。His arrogance and arbitrariness arose from our approval of his apt approach to arousing the public legal awareness.

毛坯房就充分考虑到客户自行装修的随意性,避免二次装修。Roughcast customers to take full account of the Housing decoration on the arbitrariness and avoid second decoration.

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再次网络语言的构词造句有很大的随意性,容易让人产生误解甚至不理解。Again the network language has a great arbitrariness sentence word-formation, easy to misleading don't even understand.

对现有的任意分布的相容性检验理论和方法进行了详细分析和探讨。The paper analyses and discusses the present theories and methods of Compatibility test for arbitrariness distributions.

低调而不软弱,高调但不霸道,高低结合,这才是大国的正确选择。We keep a low profile while not showing weakness and sound loud without arbitrariness . This is a great power should be.