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一年中最重要的节日是全国诗歌音乐比赛会。The great eent of the year is the National Eisteddfod.

一年中最严重的节是全国诗歌音乐竞争会。The great event of the year is the National Eisteddfod.

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皇家国家诗歌音乐艺术节也非常欢迎不说威尔士语的人。Non-Welsh speakers are very welcome at the Royal National Eisteddfod.

每年威尔士人都要举行威尔士音乐诗歌节,这个一年一度的节日被称为“爱诗特德赋”。Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an "Eisteddfod".

每年威尔士人都要举行威尔士音乐诗歌节,这个一年一度的节日被称为“爱诗特德赋”。Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an " Eisteddfod ".

最盛大的节日是国际艺术家年会,每年一次在克莱德的兰高仑举行。The biggest festival of all is the International Eisteddfod held every year in Llangollen.

第一次是国际音乐艺术节,已经举办过它的50周年纪念活动。The first is the International Music Eisteddfod , which has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

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最隆重的节日要数国际艺术节,每年在克鲁依德郡的兰格仕举行。The biggest festival of all is the International Eisteddfod held every year in Llangollen in Clwyd.

与现代艺术节息息相关的另一传统组成部分是吟唱诗人协会。Another tradition that has become an integral part of the modern Eisteddfod is the Gorsedd of Bards.

皇家国家诗歌音乐艺术节是威尔士的文化纪念活动,特别是威尔士语言的纪念活动。The Royal National Eisteddfod is a celebration of Welsh culture, and in particular of the Welsh language.

正是因为民族和艺术风格的多样化,才使今天的国际艺术节如此引人注目。It's the diversity of nationalities and styles of music which make today' s International Eisteddfod so appealing.

国际音乐艺术节有一个固定的场所,而皇家国家诗歌音乐音乐节却没有固定的场所。Whereas the International Music Eisteddfod has a permanent home, the Royal National Eisteddfod has no fixed location.

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据一位名叫伯特•瑞威斯的当地人回忆,开幕式前,没有人知道哪些人会来参加第一届艺术节。One of the locals, Bert Reeves, recalls that no one knew whether anyone would attend the first Eisteddfod , until the opening day.

威尔士人以热爱唱歌而出名,所以合唱是国际音乐艺术节中最流行的表演形式之一。The Welsh are famous for their love of singing and choirs are among the most popular participants at the International Music Eisteddfod.

艺术节导演罗伊•伯哈那认为,这个艺术节是一场重要的音乐赛会。Representatives from over 50 countries attend, and according to the Eisteddfod 's Music Director, Roy Bohana, the event is a major contest.

皇家国家诗歌音乐艺术节是欧洲最大的竞赛式的年度文化节之一,每年大约有15万游客参加。The Royal National Eisteddfod is one of Europe's largest competitive annual cultural festivals and each year around 150,000 visitors attend.

每年一次的威尔士诗歌比赛会或威尔士音乐节仍然吸引着世界各地的威尔士歌唱家和音乐家。这儿还有一家茶馆名叫提·格温。An annual eisteddfod or Welsh music festival still attracts Welsh singers and musicians from all around the world and one teashop is called Ti Gwyn.

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一般认为第一届皇家国家诗歌音乐艺术节是1176年在威尔士西南部举办的卡地根郡艺术节,现代形式的艺术节则起源于1860年。The first Eisteddfod is believed to have been held in Cardigan, in southwest Wales, in 1176 and the festival in its present form dates back to 1860.