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一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity.

祖光用血在地上写了「百官行述」四字便气绝死亡。ZuGuang blood wrote on the ground baiguan HangShu four words herring death.

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宋朝开启了台谏合流制度,御史与谏官充分发挥了监察百官的作用。The Song Dynasty opened Taijian system and censors play important part to supervise many officials.

百官行贿案,他借年羹尧之手血洗江夏镇,使得太子再度被废。Baiguan bribery case, he has made by hand town Jiangxia bloodbath, making Prince Edward spent again.

唐代监察体制已日趋成熟和完备,形成了一张密布全国的监控百官之网。In Tang Dynasty, the supervision system became mature and adequate, forming a network of controling all officials throughout the country.

卓待百官到了,然后徐徐到园门下马,带剑入席。Dong Zhuo waited until all the officials had arrived and then with his steed slowly rode to the gate dismounted and entered the grounds without untying his sword.

另一位清朝皇帝乾隆颁布了一项法令,以此让百官明白狩猎对军事训练和身体锻炼的重要性。Qianlong, another Qing emperor, issued a decree in which he gave his officials to understand the importance of hunting to both military exercise and physical training.

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那些粉墨登场的芸芸百官,那些表情面前的心思,看似突如其来的话语,都在小说的跌宕起伏中,一一露出了原本面目。Baiguan Among those on stage of those expressions in front of the mind, the words seem sudden, all In the novel's many ups and downs, one by one revealing the original features.

当一切准备就绪,国王和他的宫廷百官就座之后,国王打个手势,接受判决的犯人会通过一道门走进竞技场。When all was ready and the king and the members of his court had taken their seats, a signal was given. Through this door the prisoner who was to be triedwalked out into the arena.

元灭宋后,在全国设16所染织提举司,元大都人匠总管府下设绣造诸王百官缎匹纱罗的绣局文锦总院、涿州罗局。After defeating Song Dynasty, Yuan established 16 Dyeing and Weaving Ministries as well as the Wenjin and Zhuozhou Bureaus specially making voiles and silks for the royal and officers.

不少论者认为,“从皇帝到百官的汉代统治者,都以儒家思想作为最高的指导思想,作为一切行动和言论的最高准则”。Many people believe that "from the emperor of the Han Dynasty to the Baiguan rulers, are the highest of Confucianism as the guiding ideology, all action and speech as the highest criteria."