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吴妈继续撮合金波和甜甜。Wu Ma to pinch alloy wave and sweet.

“爱情热线”撮合了许多对佳偶。Love Line has matched thousands of couples.

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方风雷是一位技艺高超的交易撮合者,对政治也很内行。Mr. Fang is a consummate deal maker and political insider.

最后对撮合系统进行了性能和功能的测试。At last, test the sytem with performance and function testing.

父亲们决定用计谋撮合马特和路易莎。The fathers decide on a plot to bring Matt and Luisa together.

买花失利,周母再出新招,她乐此不疲地撮合两人。Buy flowers, she is at it again, she happily between two people.

古代的时候,中国人的婚姻是由媒人撮合的。In ancient times, matchmakers held sway over who should marry whom.

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到目前为止,赵昆明和他的妻子已经成功撮合了1000名征婚者。So far, Zhao and his wife have matched 1, 000 clients successfully.

我觉得西西和麦考利是完美的一对。我们来撮合他们吧。I think Xixi and Macauly would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up.

我想习习和macaulay会是理想的一对,我们来撮合他们吧。I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up.

我想莎莉和麦考利非常相配,我们来撮合他们吧。I think Sally and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up.

这位热心的红娘将这个年轻男子和青年女子撮合在一起。This warm-hearted match-maker fixed up the young man with the young woman.

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今天,在酒吧里,一个女人走过来说要把我跟他的朋友撮合一下。Today, at a bar, a woman approched me and tried to set me up with her friend.

“我们中午在Kaffeine见面吧”——这句话有助于撮合一次成功的约会。Saying "let's meet at Kaffeine at noon" helps to co-ordinate a successful date.

交易员将其买单与其它人的相同的衍生产品的卖单相撮合。The trader matches that order with someone selling the same type of derivative.

他的朋友弗朗克和艾默里寡妇的结婚,还是他撮合的。It was he who had made the marriage between his friend Frank and the widow Amory.

他为了撮合阿满和杨春娘,说秋秋是自己的女儿。He is mixed completely to match A Yang Chun's woman, saying Qiu Qiu is his daughter.

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放佚风流的叔祖虽从中尽力撮合周旋,但当时究未成功。My broad-minded grand-uncle tried his best to make a match of it but did not succeed.

奉母内心喜欢美淑,想要撮合美淑和英九。Mother in heart like beauty, want to set the accomplishment and the accomplishment, nine.

通常一位朋友会为两位互不相识的未婚者撮合会面。Often a friend will plan a meeting between two unmarried people who do not know each other.