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它们可能比较含羞。They can be pretty shy.

与其说他是害怕,倒不如说他是含羞。He is more shy than frightened.

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有时含羞,飞蛾般易受惊吓。Sometimes shy and skitterish as a moth.

女子含羞地自我介绍名叫李婉。The girl shyly introduced herself as Li Wan.

在这世界最大的拉力赛上,让他们含羞而败吧!Let them eat dirt in this, theworld's ultimate rally!

你们真该嚎啕!她是多么含羞转过背来!How hath Moab bowed down the neck, and is confounded !

哦,真真是一绿的山姑啊,含羞欲滴!Oh, Zhenzhen, a Green Mountain Kou ah, Hanxiu to drop!

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模仿训练时要注意一个问题,就是含羞生理。Imitation should pay attention to a problem is shyness.

接着教堂从一丛绿树中含羞似地探出头来。The church then peeped out modestly from a clump of trees.

有时,爱情是朵含羞的花,需要时间去绽放。Sometimes affection is a shy flower, that takes time to blossom.

上课时,他总是一言不发,安静地像一个含羞的小姑娘。During class, he would never say a word, quietly like a shy girl.

冰儿含羞答允,马小虎狂喜大叫,众少年也拍手叫好。Ice consents the shrine, MaXiaoHu ecstasy shout loudly, the young also clap.

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织女定睛一看,才知道牛郎便是自己日思夜想的牵牛,便含羞答应了他。Weaver began to see, know the cowherd is his want of Petunia, then to promise him.

如果你一个含羞美丽的姑娘,我就是那多情的翩翩男子。If you are a beautiful girl, faces the prospect, I was that passionate trippingly man.

他很含羞,不敢同其他孩子一起玩,多数时间他都是一个人。He was so timid that he never played with other children, and he lived much by himself.

含羞的郁金香舒展开她的花瓣,在地上铺上一层炫丽的色彩。The self-conscious tulip unfolded her petals and carpeted the ground with gaudy colour.

还像温暖春日里那一丝绿,含羞吐翠,又娇又嫩。Also like the warm touch of spring green where it faces the prospect of Tucui also Jiao tender again.

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作为一种舞蹈形式,在跳肚皮舞时应该尽量抛开含羞、扭捏的心态。As a form of dance, to exercise belly dancing should be open and enjoy the movement as much as possible.

也像温暖春日里那一丝绿,含羞吐翠,又娇又嫩。Also like the warm touch of spring green where it faces the prospect of Tucui also delicate tender again.

身手之所以列进选择康乐男声,是由于想经由过程比赛战胜本身含羞内向的脾性。Martial art is to choose happiness male singers, through competition because they want to overcome his shy indrawn disposition.