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据说很好中。不过版面费很贵!It is just ok for me!

版面编排,将不胜感激。Mockups will be appreciated.

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版面柔软印压小。The small print layout soft.

该杂志已经没有版面费。This journal has no page charges.

她在印刷厂做版面设计工作。She works on layout at the printshop.

设计人物性格,设计版面和颜色。character designs, layout designs and color.

你有编排版面大样的经验吗?Have you had experience in mocking up a page?

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这是某妇女杂志中使编辑很伤脑筋的一个版面。This is the problem page of a girl's magazine.

我们把这两篇文章安排在增编的版面里。We put these two articles in the added layout.

用过多的东西过度包装博客版面。Jam-packing a blog layout with too many things.

这是某妇女杂志中为少女解答困难问题的版面。This is the problems page of a girl's magazine.

为战役开始版面增设倒时器。Added a countdown timer to campaign mission start.

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除内容以外,版面设计也很重要。Besides the contents, the layout is also important.

他删节一则新闻以适合可用的版面。He truncated a news item to fit the available space.

它是第一个有美丽版面设计的电脑。It was the first computer with beautiful typography.

蒙文文本图像的版面分析。Layout analysis method of Mongolian document images.

现在,我要争取靠赢球上版面。Now, I'm trying to get on Sportscenter winning games.

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他们需要一个有编排版面经验的人。They need someone with experience of making up a page.

这些字体拼凑在一齐可以印刷一版面。The letters were fixed together to make a page of print.

另一方面,年轻人也不喜欢报纸杂乱的版面。The young have also come to dislike newspapers' clutter.