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奴隶钉的锻造匠,修配旧锁链。A tinkering slave-maker, who mends old chains.

他把旧自行车的零件拆下来修配他的三轮车。He cannibalized his old bicycle to repair his tricycle.

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加工机械零件、夹具及修配。Process mechanical spare parts, jigs and make repairs and supply replacements.

对零件不需挑选、调整或修配就能达到装配精度要求。The parts without selection, can achieve assembly precision adjustment or repair.

修配法装配过程复杂,但装配精度高。The assembling process is complex for fitting way, but it has a high assembling accuracy.

此方法对齿轮修配具有一定的指导作用。This method has certain instructive effect on the gear making repairs and supplying replacements.

装配过程中对修配环进行修配是补偿和协调装配累积误差的有效方法之一。Repair method can make repair-chain redeem assembly-stack error in the process of product assembly.

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为了满足封闭环的装配要求,修配量应当有一个极限值。But repair value must meet the requirement or restriction from assembly requirements of close-chain.

通过对3-HSS并联机床装配矢量链分析,提出了整体式和分体式两种修配装配工艺方案。By the analysis of assembly vector chain of 3-HSS parallel machine, two schemes of assembly process are proposed.

但单位或个体经营者聘用的员工为本单位或雇主提供加工,修理修配劳务,不包括在内。It does not include labor services for processing and repairs provided by staff members of a unit or an employer.

推导出了修配法解装配尺寸链的简易计算公式。The simple calculation formulas for solving the assembling dimensional chain with repair method have been derived.

介绍一种锥齿轮装配过程中,修配啮合间隙和啮合宽度的快捷方法。A way of promptly repairing mesh interspace and mesh width during the course of assembling bevel gear is introduced.

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再建立由修配量参与的工艺尺寸链,从而求出修配前的修配环尺寸。Secondly, process dimension chain concerned with fitting margin is established, so the value of fitting loop of pre-fitting is derived.

本文提出了修配环尺寸的看图解法,该方法很容易得到计算公式,直观,简。The solution of watching chart to the fitting Loop's dimension is put forward in the paper, and the calculation formulae are easily obtained.

针对这种结构较复杂的尾透叶片,使用留加厚叶片,上机床铣削的修配方法,成功解决了这种叶片转子的安装修配问题。According to the tail penetration blade with complex structure, a repairing method of using thickening blade and milling on machine is adopted.

某船舶柴油机汽缸体螺杆发生断裂,要求在不拆卸且不损伤柴油机汽缸体的情况下进行原地机械加工修配。The screw of diesel cylinder was broken, it is required for on-site machining repair without disassembling the diesel engine and damaging the cylinder.

条例第一条所称提供加工,修理修配劳务,是指有偿提供加工,修理修配劳务。The term "provide labor services for processing or repairs" mentioned in Article 1 of the regulations refers to "providing paid labor services for processing and repairs".

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本文首先分析修配环修配时影响封闭环的四种情况,分别推导了这四种情况下修配环最大修配量计算公式,其结果相同。The paper analyzes four cases that repair influences close-chain, and deduced the formulae for computing the maximal repair-value of four cases, and these formulae are the same.

深圳福联通汽车修配有限公司为在中国内地成立的中外合资合营企业,经营期限将直至二零一九年九月,为期二十年。Shenzhen Forerunner Automotive Services Limited is a sino-foreign equity joint venture established in Mainland China to be operated for a period of 20 years up to September 2019.

车床主要用于加工轴、盘、套和其他具有回转表面的工件,是机械制造和修配工厂中使用最广的一类机床加工。The lathe is mainly used for machining shaft, plate, sets and other has turned the workpiece surface, and machinery factory is engaged in the most widely used kind of machine tool.