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港威年夜厦,它是否附近海港城?Gateway Tower. Is it near the Harbour City?

近海的涡轮机在花费的成本上几乎要比一般的涡轮机贵上两倍.Offshore turbines are almost twice as expensive.

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渔民在近海围捕乌鱼。Fishermen caught grey mullet near the inshore area.

一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore.

渔民在近海围捕乌鱼。Fishermen catching grey mullet near the inshore area.

而标准的近海作业平台无法提供足够的保护,于是就有了这座人工岛。A standard offshore platform was not enough protection.

煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore.

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山岭在近海处急剧向下倾斜。The ridge falls away quickly where it approaches the sea.

奥巴马许可美国近海钻油无力阻挡原油创下17个月新高。Crude oil hits 17-month high despite Obama oks offshore drill.

并非所有的居民都反对近海石油计划。Not all residents are in opposition to the offshore oil plans.

“就靠近海伦娜或巴特,我听说,”他压低了声音答道。"Up near Helena or Butte, I hear, " he replied in a low voice.

近海钻探平台的灯光在海平线上闪动着。Lights from offshore drilling platforms twinkled on the horizon.

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目前,大多数海洋鱼类养殖场都位于近海浅滩。Most current marine fish farms are in shallow, near-shore waters.

事实上,即使是近海勘探也会造成财政负担,对勘探地的海洋生物也有不利影响。Indeed, even in-shore prospecting can tax wallets—and local sea life.

在近海工程领域,锥柱状的柱形结构得到了应用。In the offshore engineering, the cone-shaped cylinder is usually used.

中国近海,你的意思是联合国同意下的国际水域?By Chinese coast you mean international waters as agreed upon by the UN.

水深遥感是遥感在海岸带及近海水域中的重要应用之一。RS-fathoming is one of the most applications in remote sensing in coast.

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就其本身而言,限制近海钻探只不过是一个非常一般的议题。In themselves, limits on offshore drilling are only a modest-sized issue.

它还建立了除了欧洲之外世界上规模最大的近海风力电厂。It built the world's first large-scale offshore wind farm outside Europe.

在巴基斯坦的马克兰沙漠和近海地区有许多泥火山。Pakistan has a number of mud volcanoes in the Makran Desert and offshore.