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他茫然若失地盯着她。He stared at her blankly.

他茫然若失地凝视空中。He stared vacantly into space.

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他们打胜了这一仗并收复了失地。They won the battle and resumed lost territory.

别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间。Don't plunge head first into another person's room.

他冒冒失失地参加了一项他从未做过的工作。He bulled into a job that he had never done before.

欧洲几大股指早盘收复失地。Major European indexes erased early morning losses.

殖民地的人民光复了失地。The people in the colony recovered their lost territory.

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失地运动主要为被无端剥夺权利的人们争取土地而斗争。The MST fights for access to land on behalf of the dispossessed.

怀疑论者认为,中资银行股或许无法收复失地。Skeptics say Chinese bank stocks might not recover their lost ground.

他冒冒失失地把这件事揽过去不久就后悔了。He rashly took the business in hand, and regretted shortly afterwards.

会议决定以武力恢复失地。The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory.

行动援助工作以保证失地人群的公共土地,性工作者能到银行开户。Its work ensured public-land for landless and access to banks for sex workers.

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第四章是芜湖市失地农民的感知分析。The fourth chapter researches on the perceptions of farmers losing land in Wuhu city.

此外,失地农民还应该分享因土地用途变更而产生的增值收益。Moreover, the lost territory peasant will share increment income in land use variation.

失地农民的身份认同是其市民化过程中一个非常重要的问题。The self identity of land-lost farmers is a very urgent problem in gaining citizenship.

2年前中国股市突破6000点,而2010年股市能否重拾失地呢?Will China's stock market climb back to the 6, 000-point mark it reached two years ago?

当这一席话说出来之后,这三位绅士茫然若失地面面相觑。The three gentlemen looked at each other with blank faces when these words were uttered.

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我们不能做到比中国人还中国人,但我们可以做个聪明人,借此收复失地。We can't out-Chinese the Chinese, but we can regain ground by being our smartest selves.

对失地农民而言,他们最关心的是社会养老保障问题。Therefore, the major concern for the land-expropriated peasants is their old-age pension.

你下次来访要先敲门,别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间。Next time you call, knock at the door. Don't plunge head first into another person's room.