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真服了你的脑子了。What a brain u have.

印度用用脑子吧!India use your brains!

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我的脑子不清楚。My brain dosen't work.

脑子都要锈掉了。The brain to rust out.

他满脑子是点子。He is brimful of ideas.

就好像我们是没脑子覃辉。Like we h. e no brains.

就好像我们是没脑子的。Like we have no brains.

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我的脑子糊里糊涂的。My brain's in a fuddle.

他满脑子都是新想法。He is full of new ideas.

她满脑子都是那消息。She was full of the news.

你脑子有差池!You get out of your mind.

他感到在他脑子里燃起了一团炽炭。He felt his brain on fire.

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他有一脑子新思想。He is brimful of new ideas.

她脑子里主意多。Her head teemed with ideas.

他满脑子荒唐念头。His head is full of nonsense.

她的脑子和她的心都在发痛。Her brain and her heart ached.

我脑子里有事儿。/我在想事儿。I have some things on my mind.

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那样看起来好像是个没脑子的人。That seems to be a no-brainer.

人家的嘲笑令他脑子针扎似地作痛。The gibe smarted in his brain.

他脑子里有很多好主意。His head teems with good ideas.