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把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。Dicing a blade to a comb.

但是,仇恨是一个弯弯的刀刃。But hatred is a curved blade.

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因此,这就是好钢花在了刀刃上。Soit is good money spend good.

这刀刃已变钝了。The knife's edges have blunted.

刀刃是斯堪的纳维亚或Scandi研磨。The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind.

这硬骨头把刀刃弄钝了。The hard bone has dulled up the knife blade.

刀刃与圣杯守护伊门宅。The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates.

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我从他手里拿过来,摸摸刀刃。I took it from his hand, and touched the blade.

“土耳其回形刀刃”具有一条拉得很长的曲线。A "California clip" has a longer, gentler curve.

刺刀刃是用最优质的钢锻造的。A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.

小刀的刀刃上有一个刀匠的标志。The small knife has a cutlers mark in the blade.

前朝记忆度红尘,伤人的不适刀刃。Former Red to remember, not the blade of wounding.

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情急之下,她握住刀刃和宋怀抢刀。Desperate, she and SONG Huai get hold bladed knife.

冰冷的刀刃深深地砍在布兰文的心坎上。The cold blade cut down, deep into Brangwen's soul.

现有菜刀的刀刃角度较小,切菜时省力。The knife blade angle is small, when cutting labor.

把这两者的刀刃结合到一把菜刀上,就成了“双刃菜刀”。The two blade with a knife, a double-edged knife"."

哈尔顿的笑容锋利的如同匕首的刀刃。Haldon's smile was as sharp as the blade of a dagger.

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通常,你会发现笔形刀刃出现在口袋刀上。Typically, you'll find a "pen" blade on pocket knives.

为什么不用薄的金属片来做刀刃呢?What if the blade could be made of a thin metal strip?

刀把掉了,我抢过了刀刃,扎向宋怀后腰。Whip out, I grabbed the blade, to the lumbar SONG Huai.