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监工就叫来了约翰·亨利。The supervisor called to John Henry.

认识到业务是个残酷的监工。Recognize that business is a cruel taskmaster.

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即便外出,他也是个缺席监工。But even at work he was the task-master in absentia.

即使外出,他也是个缺席监工。But even at work he was the task-master in absentia.

我悄声告诉大哥,可不巧,这时候监工经过。I whispered to my brother as the slavedriver passed by.

监工得监督许多雇工。The overlooker has to overlook a large number of employees.

监工回绝了销售员的要求。The supervisor of the workers dismissed the salesman's claims.

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他是个经验老道的监工,管理三个工队。He is an experienced foreman and is in charge of three work teams.

我女儿Eliot在建造过程中起监工的作用。My daughter Eliot performed a supervisory role during the construction

其中一位被指控用鞭子抽打工人的监工,年仅14岁。One of the supervisors, age 14, is accused of beating workers with whips.

一些监工甚至要求工人们对印有他们名字的徽章顶礼膜拜。Some supervisors even require the workers to deify their supervisor's name badges.

你像个杀人犯——你是个奴隶监工——你像罗马皇帝!You are like a murderer -- you are like a slave-driver -- you are like the Roman emperors!

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菲茨罗伊亲任监工,花了很多他自己的钱,可谓不遗余力。FitzRoy oversaw the work, using much of his own money to guarantee that no expense was spared.

承包商必须按照合同的规定在工地现场提供这一类监工人员。Contactor shall provide such further supervisory staff at the site as are specified in the contract.

中国日报报道,据刘副部长称与本案有关的两个老板和一个监工已经被拘留。China Daily reported that Liu said two bosses and a supervisor were detained in relation to the case.

他们背上挨着监工的鞭子,身后拖着沉重的石头,爬上陡峭的山坡。Up the steep hills they dragged the heavy stone, their backs bearing the blows of the masters' whips.

将这归咎于「感知限制」。他们大脑的多工能力不像严厉的监工者那麽优秀。Blame it on "cognitive limitations. " Their brains can't multitask as well as those of the taskmasters.

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老老实实他说,是一百个爱尔兰人,由北方佬监工带领,每天从剑桥来这里挖冰。To speak literally, a hundred Irishmen , with Yankee overseers, came from Cambridge every day to get out the ice.

斯尼布身兼数职,他既是宫殿建设工程的监工,又是王室戏装保管的负责人,还是主持法老胡夫葬礼和祭祀的牧师。He was the overseer of the palace dwarfs, the chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of Khufu.

马向前一直做着这样的工作,直到后来因为跟监工发生冲突,被降级去清扫厕所。Or at least that was Mr. Ma’s job until, after a run-in with his supervisor, he was demoted in December to cleaning toilets.