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北洋军阀政府及南京国民政府政治腐败。Beiyang government and Manjing government are corrupt.

他对北洋军阀的那段历史很感兴趣。He is very interested in the history of the Beiyang Warlords.

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北洋军阀是中国近代一支特殊的军事政治力量。Northern Warlords are a special military and political force in modern China.

北洋军阀统治时期,是个大变局时代。The period of the Northern Warlords' rule over China was an era of a great change.

北洋军阀统治时期,战祸不断,殃及教育。In the reign of the Northern Warlords, with the frequent wars, education was stagnant.

第四章为北洋军阀政府的民族政策。Chapter 4 elaborates ethnic policies under the reign of the Northern Warlords Government.

东北地区的铁路主要由清政府、北洋军阀、俄国和日本等修建。Northeast railway mainly by the government, and the northern warlords, Russia and Japan etc.

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土匪与军阀,是近代中国北洋军阀统治时期的时代主题。Bandits and warlords are important topics of that age during the Period of the Northern Warlords.

叶开鑫是当时站在北洋军阀方面反对革命的一个将军。Yeh Kai-hsin was a general on the side of the Northern warlords who fought against the revolution.

1920年北洋军阀御用的“安福国会”的垮台主要归咎于舆论的压力。It was, by all accounts, mainly responsible for the downfall of the An Fu party in the summer of 1920.

北洋军阀政府出动军警镇压,捕去学生三十多名。The government called out troops and policemen to suppress the demonstators and over thirty students were arrested.

北洋军阀政府出动军警镇压,捕去学生三十多名。The Northern Warlord government called out troops and policemen to suppress the demonstration and over thirty students were arrested.

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而清末的监狱立法和监狱管理制度乃直接为北洋军阀政府、国民党政府所继承和发展。The prison legislation and management system were directly inherited and developed by North-Ocean government and Kuomintang government.

北洋军阀时期,哥老会与地方军阀结合,在总体上开始蜕化变质,成了地方军阀的附庸。During the period of Beiyang Warlords, the society colluded ith the local warlords, and degenerated to be the vassal of them in general.

总的来看,北洋军阀统治时期,河套水利整体呈现废弛状态,在水利机构方面的表现就是组织不断发生变革。Overall, in the reign of the Beiyang Warlords, it has been in the state of breakdowns. The water sector's performance is constantly changing.

近代以来,尤其是北洋军阀时期,乡村社会秩序异常混乱,整个乡村面临崩溃的边缘。In modern times, particularly in the period of Northern Warlords, the rural area was in such chaos that it was almost at the brink of collapse.

在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下,北洋军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生。Under the pressure of the nation-wide anti-imperialist patriotic struggle, the Northern Warlord government had to set fee the students it had arrested.

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北洋集团发展演变为北洋军阀,由一种具有某种进步性的势力发展为反动势力,经历了一个较长时间的过程,是符合历史的辩证法的。The Beiyang Group grows-up Beiyang Warlord, develops a counteracting force from a force with some progress during a long time, and this accords with historical dialectic.

直系军阀研究在北洋军阀三大派系研究中相对比较薄弱,而对直系曹、吴集团专题更是鲜有研究。This thesis carries out a comparative study of how Cao and Wu Groups established themselves and their properties compared with the other two warlords groups of Wan and Feng.

当他对军阀统治彻底失望,转而主张“根本改造”的社会改革思想,认为只有推翻北洋军阀的黑暗统治,才是解决中国政局的根本出路。Completely disappointed at the rule of the warlords, he turned to thorough reforms and thought that it was the only way to solve all the problems of China by overthrowing it.