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委员会应立即采取措施,为防止各种不同的社团在各组征调人员……The committee must take measures to prevent recruiting in the sections for the different societies.

因此,需要日本提供详细的要求,我将向联邦各州征调这种机器人。Therefore, the need to provide details of Japan's request, I will requisition the robot federal states.

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王安石与宋神宗主要通过征调民力、调遣军队与招募饥民等途径来解决劳力问题。By means of conscripting labor, moving troops and recruiting famine refugee, the question of labor was settled.

在他上个赛季被征调到预备队争夺达拉斯杯的时候,他已经是红军18岁以下青年队的队长了。He went on to captain the under- 18s last season before being called up to the reserve squad for the Dallas Cup.

出生在巴西的阿毛里今年9月份就将成为意大利公民,这使得他有资格被意大利国家队征调。Brazilian-born Amauri will gain his Italian citizenship in September, making him eligible for a call to La Nazionale.

帝国从各被征服民族征调劳动者和建筑材料,用以兴建宫室,装点都城。Empire from the conquered peoples mobilized workers and building materials for the construction of palace, decorated capital.

对于这些类型资源中的每一种,容器或提供者都会帮我们把资源征调到事务中。For each of these types of resources, either the container or the provider helps to enlist the resource into the transaction.

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由于征调大批消防车前往现场进行抢救工作,美国海军设在当地的一个机场被迫关闭。Mobilized a large number of fire engines to the scene as the rescue work, the U. S. Navy based in a local airport was closed.

为了减轻受此次污染而被迫停止出海的渔民们的损失,我们征调了大量商用渔船和捕虾船参与清理活动。Commercial fishing and shrimp boats are being used in many of these operations, providing a source of income for some idled workers.

马政是指我国历代政府对官用马匹的牧养、征调和使用为主要任务的一系列政策制度和规章的总称。Horse administration is a title for the system of policies applied to the cultivation, requisition and utilization of horses for governmental purpose.

该中心负责召集其他政府部门,征调所需资源,从而在区内提供卓越、有效的搜救服务。Calling upon resources provided by other government departments, the centre provides an effective and efficient search and rescue service in the region.

1866年克斯特被调往堪萨斯,参加温菲尔德·斯考特·汉考克将军征调用于震慑怀有敌意的大平原印第安人的美军远征队。In 1866 Custer was ordered to Kansas to take part in General Winfield S. Hancock's expedition designed to awe hostile Plains Indians with the military strength of the U.

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据华盛顿特区MyFox报道,警方征调了几台电脑回去调查,排出了谋杀可能,具体死因仍在调查当中。Police removed several computers from the cafe for investigation but have ruled out homicide and were examining specific causes of death, according to MyFox Washington DC.

1866年克斯特被调往堪萨斯,参加温菲尔德·斯考特·汉考克将军征调用于震慑怀有敌意的大平原印第安人的美军远征队。In 1866 Custer was ordered to Kansas to take part in General Winfield S. Hancock's expedition designed to awe hostile Plains Indians with the military strength of the U.S. Army.

第四条由各级政府和有关部门征调的救灾物资,应当在救灾任务完成后及时归还。Article 4 The disaster relief materials requisitioned by the governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall be timely returned after the disaster relief tasks are completed.

正是其不凡的军政才华,为其能在日后被征调东征、并委以重任奠定了基础。It laid the foundation for him that his extraordinary military and political talent will be able to be mobilized for the Eastern Campaign in the future and be given important appointment.

跨出收购网络中心战能力的第一步,军队已准备就绪,征调一个电脑化的指挥和控制系统,将其炮兵武器行动。Taking the first step towards acquiring network-centric warfare capabilities, the Army is all set to induct a computerised command and control system to integrate its artillery weapon operations.

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他本来是应该从他的应急筹备办公室获得帮助,这个办公室的责任就是负责帮助老弱病残撤出城市,并请求州里征调国民警卫队。He was supposed to get help from his office of emergency preparedness, which was responsible for helping the elderly and sick get out of town and asking the state to request National Guard troops.