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论文包括前言和正文六章。It includes preamble and six chapters.

谶,包括谶言和谶兆。Augury includes augury word and augury event.

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所以意言和我也必须得是欧洲人。Iain and I must, as a result, still be European.

宣言和后号发起的艺术运动往往会显得有些幼稚和无耻。ART movements that are launched with manifestos often seem both brazen and naive.

章节、文章、前言和书目等都是文档的组成部分。Things like chapters, articles, prefaces, and bibliographies are all components of documents.

尿道炎常给女性带来难言和莫名的痛苦,因此应该注意。Urethritis often give female brings unaccountable and vague pain, therefore, should be noticed.

其中又以车持皇子、大纳言和右大臣三人,争相想要纳她为妾。Which hold prince, big car ran and right minister and scramble to want three on her as his wife.

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突出与常规是相对而言的,尤其是在标准语言和诗学语言之间。Foregrounding and conventionalization are relative, especially between standard language and poetic language.

虽然这次的交易使得他跻身于千万富翁之列,但是山德士上校仍旧为他的产品代言和促销,直到1990年他离开人世。Even though the sale made him a multi-millionaire, he continued to represent and promote KFC until his death in 1990.

她写道,还没上学的女儿是不折不扣的“空降兵”,已经能够自如地适应外国语言和食物了。This preschooler is 'an absolute trooper' already comfortable with foreign languages and foods, the executive writes.

能与仇敌言和,是何等快乐的事,就像但以理在狮子坑内,猛兽却安静地和他相伴。Happy is the man whose enemies are made to be to him what the lions were to Daniel in the den, quiet and companionable !

他们立即表明决不妥协,而且抛弃了与蒋介石言和的一切伪装。They immediately burned all their bridges behind them and abandoned any pretense of making a peace with Chiang Kai-shek.

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尼加诺尔率领大军,一来到耶路撒冷,便派人去见犹大和他的兄弟们,诈言和谈说。And Nicanor came to Jerusalem with a great army, and he sent to Judas and to his brethren deceitfully with friendly words.

整个东南亚到处都是该地区的人建立的社群,这是个以方言和血缘关系为基础的庞大网络,一直延续至今。They established colonies all over Southeast Asia, a far-flung network based on dialect and kinship that thrives to this day.

美国主流媒体这种罕见的缄口不言和克制的行为也同样背离了他们总是挂在嘴边的“自由媒体”原则。The rarely mute and subdued practice of the US mainstream media is also in departure with tenets of their oft-sung “free media.

又一次,贾拉索和狄宁交换了困惑的眼神。据他们所有的揣测,维尔娜的宣言和她自己听起来都像疯了。Again, Jarlaxle and Dinin exchanged confused glances . By all their estimates, Vierna's claims-and Vierna herself-sounded insane.

第五章则为结论,归纳整理出本研究之发现,以提出具体的相关性建言和修法的建议。Chapter five summarizes the research in order to offer materialized proposition and suggestions of amendments to the existing law.

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为了加强本书的完整性,特将侯老师翻译的前言和导读也加了近来。In order to strengthen the integrity of the book, especially the translation of the foreword and Hou Guidance also added recently.

红叶题诗、御沟流水,承载的不仅仅是那一片片树叶,更是宫女们渴望获得自身拯救的宣言和呐喊。Hongye poem, water, carrying the leaves are not the only movie that is looking for ladies who to save their own declarations and cry.

几经周折,英国先后与意大利签订了关于地中海西部维持原状的宣言和英意协定。After a good deal of bother Britain signed a declaration with Italy maintaining the status quoin the area west of the Mediterranean Sea.