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水电站必须有拦河坝。A water power station must have a dam.

俄罗斯水力发电公司说已经关闭了水电站。RusHydro said the plant had been shut down.

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公伯峡水电站2002年截流设计。The design of Gongboxia hydro-power in 2002.

洪家渡水电站洞式溢洪道的断面尺寸为14。The section size of the tunnel-spillway of is 14.

该水电站的建设开始于1956年。Construction of the power station started in 1956.

1959年,新安江水电站建成蓄水。In 1959, Xinanjiang storage hydropower station built.

实验农场靠近水电站。The experimental farm is near the waterpower station.

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图为苏丹麦罗维水电站项目。The picture shows the Sudan Merowe Hydropower project.

去冬我们在修水电站。We were building a hydro-electric station last winter.

经湖南镇水电站实际应用,效果理想。Satisfactory results were achieved in practical application.

机组段是水电站运行的基本单元。An unit—block is an element for operation of hydro—power station.

如果靠自力更生,只有靠水电站带来的廉价能源了。If we do it ourselves, only cheap energy from hydropower will do.

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一种水电站进水,循环水,泄水系统。Hydropower station water intake, water cycle, water release system.

文中介绍了该法的简易方案在新丰江水电站上应用情况。The application of the algorithm in hydropower plants is described.

蔺河口水电站大坝为碾压混凝土双曲拱坝。The Linhekou Hydropower Station has a RCC double-curvature arch dam.

拟建的白鹤滩水电站的坝基为峨眉山玄武岩。The basement of Baihetan Hydropower Plant is the Emei Mountain Basalt.

福堂水电站圆筒阻抗式调压井工程开挖直径31。At Futang hydropower station, the cylinder restricted surge tank is 31.

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凤滩水电站采用空腹重力拱坝、坝型较为复杂。Feng Tan hydroelectric power plant has used the hollow arch-gravitydam.

本文以国内的三峡葛洲坝梯级水电站作为研究对象。The Three-Gorges and Gezhouba cascade in china is taken as a study case.

相关的水电站也卷入了激烈的公开辩论。The implication of the hydropower station is under fierce public debate.