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毋庸赘言,现在华尔街的确已经是血流成河了。The blood is definitely running right now on Wall Street.

我通常都避免鲜艳的颜色,尤其是那些一洗就血流成河的。I avoid bright colors, especially those that bleed in the wash.

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可回头观望来时的路,血流成河,纵使如此。Can stand back and take the road, the blood become river and even so.

大地在我脚下,你也在我脚下血流成河。To the place you'er about to be, another river of blood runnin'under my feet.

葛底斯堡的血流成河展示了邦联的巅峰军势,也预示了其随后的战力骤衰。The carnage at Gettysburg displayed the Confederate forces' peak of power, and their quick decline afterwards.

毫无疑问的是,300多年前中国这片土地上曾经血流成河,满清军队完成了对中国大地的征服。There is no double that 300 years ago the blood flew like rivers when Manchurian armies completed the mission to conquer China.

只要能控制存货,零售商就会逐步恢复信心,他们相信能够避免去年圣诞档期血拼销售“血流成河”的惨烈场景。With stocks coming under control, retailers are increasingly confident they can avoid the bloodbath seen in the run-up to last Christmas.

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新疆少数民族动乱,中国安保人员再次镇压,血流成河,自此之后,土耳其就成了众矢之的。As Chinese security forces reimpose order after a bloody spasm of ethnic unrest in Xinjiang, Turkey is finding itself in the line of fire.

突然,一枚炮弹落在了队伍中,22人当场死亡,刹那间,鲜血四溅,血流成河。Suddenly, a shell fell directly into the middle of the line, killing 22 people outright and splattering blood and gore over the entire area.

卡德瓦拉德会召集康沃尔人,会与奥尔巴尼结盟,然后外国人会被屠杀,血流成河。Cadwallader shall summon Conanus and shall make an alliance with Albany. Then the foreigners shall be slaughtered, and the rivers will run with blood.

我想,血流成河的利比亚,足以让世界看清联合国和西方文明的本质。I want to be sure that Libya is now a river flowing blood is not for nothing that the world finally sees what a UN and the so-called "civilized West."

北魏大将军叱云南为自己的野心而陷害,欺君罔上擅自出兵,导致北凉上下一夜之间血流成河,天之骄女被迫流落异乡。The general history of Yunnan and framed for his own ambition, without qijunwangshang to cause bloodshed under the north cold overnight, arrogant woman forced liuluoyixiang.