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把水柜里的水放出来。Let the water from the tank.

重力水柜在哪里?Where is the gravitation tank?

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水柜除锈并用钢丝刷刷净。Water tank to be de-rusted and wire-brushed.

还可配套泵,公共底座,电控箱形成压力水柜单元。If pump, base plate and controls are supplied, the units is made up.

一只北极熊游泳在它的玻璃-边水柜在小而美丽的中央公园动物园。A polar bear swims in its glass-sided tank at the small-is-beautiful Central Park Zoo.

本系列组装式压力水柜采用立式水泵或卧式水泵,供用户选择。The unite has the vertical and horizontal water pump configurations for customer to choose.

本系列电加热热水柜适用于船舶或平台上的淡水的加热,以供船员使用!This series are suitable for heating water on the ship or platform, heated fresh water for crew use.

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但是,如果长时间持续不下雨,水柜里那点水是支撑不了太久的。However, if it does not rain for a long period of time, the water in the small tanks can not last for too long.

所以,Cohen解释道,轮船需要在一个港口把海水泵进巨大的压舱水柜,然后在下一个港口再泵出去。So, Cohen explains, ships fill massive onboard ballast tanks by pumping seawater in at one port and pumping it out at the next.

本热水柜用蒸汽或电将常温水加热至60度80度供船员生活用水。The hot water thank be used to heating the water form normal temperature to 60℃-80℃ by steam or electricity for living of crew.

在短暂的时间内,坦克从无到有,从弱到强,迅猛发展,由名不见经传的“水柜”,到冠冕堂皇地登上“陆战之王”的宝座。During these years, it has been fast developing from water-ark what is unknown to people to gaining the throne of king of land-battle.

这五个腔室分别为污水柜、一级接触氧化柜、二级接触氧化柜、沉淀柜、积水柜。These 5 tanks respectively are a sewage tank, first-stage contact oxidation tank, second-stage contact oxidation tank, a settlement tank and a catchment tank.

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南通赛冷船舶设备有限公司是生产船用热交换器,压力水柜,热水柜,消音器,滤器,空气瓶,锅炉的专业生产厂家。Nantong Sailing Marine equipment Co. Ltd is the professional manufacturer of such equipmentasAir-cooler, HeatExchanger, Evaporator, Filter, Silencer, AirBottle, Calorifier, P-ressureTank, Boileretc.