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很快生活就会峰回路转。Sooner than it seems, life turns around.

生活中总是峰回路转。There are always twists and turns in life.

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但是现在峰回路转了。But now the tide may be turning in its favour.

我对宋微画作的理解顿时峰回路转。I suddenly really understand Song Wei's paintings.

就这样,他们坚持下来了,奋斗到了峰回路转的一天。In this way, they persevered , Strive to turn one day.

不同的人去玩爱情这场游戏,结局已经是峰回路转。Different people love to play the game, end has is back.

有时候事情是会峰回路转的,老兄。你和我,咱俩就是活证。Sometimes things come back, mate. We are living proof, you and me.

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诚然,这些都是使一个公司峰回路转的必要因素。These are just the sort of traits needed to turn a company around.

生活是好的,峰回路转,柳暗花明,前面总会有另一番不同的风光。Life is good, to master, frame, front there is always a different scenery.

在每一处峰回路转处,人们都可以看见花园中不同的景色。At every turn of the road, one could see different sceneries of the garden.

然而现在峰回路转,帕拉迪诺决定拒绝加盟热那亚。However, in a twist to the transfer, Palladino has decided not to go to the Grifoni.

爵爷能让欧文的职业生像坎通纳那样涯峰回路转吗?Will Ferguson revitalise Owen's career in much the same manner he did Eric Cantona's?

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而杨特派员却一副心有成竹的样子,说事情很快就会峰回路转。But a pair of cable and Yang heart has the appearance of bamboo, said that soon turns around.

大家之前都说今年联赛的争夺已经没有悬念了,但事情发生了峰回路转的变化。Everyone presumed that the title race was over, but there is always going to be twists and turns.

然而不久,这只猴子便开始模仿主人的行为,这桩温馨的故事也随之峰回路转了。However, the heart-warming story took an abrupt turn when the monkey began to imitate its master.

但峰回路转,阿咪又认识了另一个著名的钻石王老五,这次还得到了求婚。Dan Feng loop turns, a Mi knew another famous diamond Wang Laowu again, still got this lovemaking.

游人环水而行,深浅曲折,峰回路转,常有似尽未尽之感。A tour around the waters, shallow or deep, winding and twisting, gives an infinite lingering taste.

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而其他人的渴望是平缓的小溪,在抵达海岸前就已在曲折蜿蜒或峰回路转中迷失了自我。And in others it is a flat stream that loses itself in angles and bends and lingers before it reaches shore.

但是现在峰回路转了。2006年,国会授权公司公开他们标书和给予举报人豁免权。In 2006 Congress gave it powers to require companies to open their books and to grant immunity to whistle-blowers.

向右经吕祖洞下东行,峰回路转,便到了主峰间的青龙观道院。Lvzu hole right through the next eastbound turn, will be among the main peak in the view of Tsing Lung Road House.