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他是纯血统的毛利人。He's a full-blooded maori.

我有阿喀留斯的贵族血统。I am of Achilles' royal blood.

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人人都爱北欧血统。Everyone loves Northern Europeans.

做自己的坟墓,绝自己的血统?Of his self-love to stop posterity?

这意味着,我有那么点的印第安血统。That means I got a little Injun in me.

该位贵族以自己的血统为傲。The noble took pride in his genealogy.

冠军血统和养犬登记。Champion bloodlines and AKC registered.

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血统被传递种马边。Lineage is passed on the stallion side.

我妻子证明具有柴罗基部族人的血统。My wife proved up on her Cherokee blood.

我们回民中间也有汉人的血统。We moslems also have chinese blood in us.

母亲的母亲是纯正的切罗基印第安血统。Her mother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.

我想要我的马的身体力都有黑骏马的血统。I want the black horse's blood in my horses.

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他是一个兼有德国和美国血统的年轻男士。He is a half-German, half-American young man.

我想要我的马的肉体力都有黑骏马的血统。I require the black horse's blood in my horses.

我们有几个不同血统的“粉彩”。We have a few different bloodlines of "Pastel".

黄约翰光盘,开始著名的血统。Yellow John ROM, to start the famous bloodline.

他尤为看重纯正的种族血统And he was especially obsessed with racial purity.

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我拥有世界上最古老的纯种马血统。I have the oldest thoroughbred blood in the world.

我撒谎说自己实际上有一半的白种人血统。I would lie and say that I am actually half white.

是第一个具有之C血统的语言。B was the first language in the C lineage directly.