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一个被成为“万金油”的人是一个掌握了许多技能的人。A person who is a Jack of all trades has many skills.

在地球是万金油的性质和盐的圣贤。For in earth is the balm of Nature, and the salt of the Sages.

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这是他们的粮食,这是他们的良药,是他们抵御一切不幸的万金油。It is their food, their medicine, their panacea for all evils.

我踢过边路的位置,也可以打二前锋,因此我是个万金油。I have played as a winger or as a second striker so I am versatile.

运兵车是一个万金油单位,因为你可以让它搭乘一队步兵。The APC is a very versatile unit that can carry one infantry in its shell.

这个厂房是新加坡第一间工厂,就是万金油的工厂。This building was the 1st factory in Singapore which belonged to Tiger Balm.

万金油是很常见的镇痛软膏或治疗肌肉酸痛的软膏。Tiger Balm is a popular balm or ointment that people use for external soreness.

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至少它不像很多人所想的那样,是一剂包治百病的万金油。At least, it is not the across-the-board panacea that much of the left touts it as.

从很多媒体的报道看来,切尔西的万金油格雷米已经走在了加盟纽卡斯尔的道路上。Chelsea utility man Geremi looks to be on his way to Newcastle United, according to widespread reports.

如果柏林墙倒塌的周年纪念活动成为了这样一个万金油似的象征,那么它的意义也就不复存在了。If the anniversary of the Wall's fall becomes such an all-purpose symbol, its significance will be missed.

通常中国人都抱着“术有专攻、业有所长”的理念,不愿意做“万金油”。Often people see themselves as specialist with functional contribution only, with less desire mingling in the mainstream.

阿森纳的万金油球员埃布埃说从2005年来到阿森纳至今,他依然为自己作为一名枪手在战斗而感到高兴。Arsenal utility man Emmanuel Eboue says he is still delighted to be playing for the Gunners, after being at the club since 2005.

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现在菲利佩比较倒霉的多次受困于伤病,不过他是个后卫万金油,可以打左后卫和中后卫,这是他吸引尤文的一大原因。Felipe has suffered from constant injury problems since, but his versatility, being able to play in the centre and at left back, attracts Juve.

尤文图斯万金油哈桑。萨利哈米季奇准备好为联赛冠军战斗到最后一刻,而且相信国米仍然有丢掉榜首的可能性。Juventus utility man Hasan Salihamidzic expects the title race to go right down to the wire and believes Inter can still throw away the Scudetto.

我是广州的一名大专院校毕业生,所学专业是目前被成为“万金油”的行政管理专业。I am Guangzhou's universities, colleges and institutes graduates, studies specialized is at present becomes "the tiger balm" the administration specialty.

记住,任何时候当你抱怨着工业设计师是“不懂行的人”、是“万金油”,并无从入行的时候,你现在就知道从哪里开始了。Remember all the times you bitched and moaned about how Industrial Designers are “jacks of all trades and masters of none”? Well now you know where to start!

他预测,随着网络博客和微博等社交服务的出现,人们更加个性化,万金油疗法不太可能奏效。He predicted these strategies would ultimately fail, as people turn to individuated, personal forms of expression available through the Internet, blogs and Twitter services.

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这个既能踢边卫也能踢中卫甚至能踢中场的31岁后场万金油的合同会在少于12个月以后到期。The 31-year-old, who primarily plays as a left-back but can also play in central defence or even in midfield, has less than twelve months left on his existing deal at the San Siro.

球员们的缺席再次使某些人认为爵爷对球员们施加了一定的影响,但是红魔的万金油坚称爵爷支持他的球员们代表国家队参加比赛。The absences have once again led to suggestions that Ferguson has had an influence, but United utility man O'Shea has insisted that the Scot is supportive of his players representing their countries.