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太阳月亮若起疑。If the sun and moon should doubt.

然而,相反的情况却更让人起疑。However, the opposite is a greater cause for suspicion.

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一夜之间就变得很准时会让同事们起疑的。Becoming timely overnight would make co-workers suspicious.

更不用说伊朗核技术那令人起疑的来历。Not to mention Iran’s right to otherwise suspect nuclear technology.

截至11月28日,报告了51起疑似病例,包括16例死亡。As of 28 November, 51 suspected cases, including 16 deaths have been reported.

宁阳却心里暗暗起疑,真是这意思?Rather do sun but in the mind secretly begin to suspect, is truly this meaning?

如果你的目标很明显已经起疑了,就到了要抬高情感赌注的时候了。If your target has clearly become suspicious, it's time to raise the emotional stakes.

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明的朋友对冷起疑暗中跟踪,岂料遭到恐怖吸血鬼的攻击。Ming friend secretly tracking, particularly to the cold by terrorist vampire considers attack.

德国人有时起疑,盖世太保甚至找她问话。There were times when the Germans became suspicious, and she was even interviewed by the Gestapo.

大卫因此对小欣起疑,并阻止叶俊和叶朗进一步接触小欣。David therefore suspicious for small hin, and prevent Ye Jun and small hin Ye Lang further contact.

在2月4日至11日一周期间,共报告了79起疑似病例,包括8例死亡。In a one week period from 4 to 11 February, a total of 79 suspected cases including 8 deaths were reported.

7月31日至10月8日期间报道发生了626起疑似病例,其中42人死亡。Six hundred and twenty-six suspected cases including 42 deaths have been reported from 31 July to 8 October.

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如果有任何显著的不相符或让人起疑的情况,要想好该如何去解释这个情况。If there are any notable inconsistencies or discrepancies, think through how you are going to explain the situation.

假如人不用正眼看你,美国人会觉得,你应该要对他的动机起疑,或者假设他不喜欢你。If a person doesn't look you in the eye, Americans might say you should question his motives-or assume that he doesn't like you.

我父母把他们的个人事务安排得令人起疑地井然有序,下至写在一张贴在冰箱上的纸条上的一个房地产经纪人的姓名和电话号码。My parents left their personal affairs suspiciously in order, down to the name and number of a realtor on a note taped to the fridge.

这些利率表不仅列示了当前的抵押贷款的利率信息,还包含了对经纪人骗取未曾起疑的借款人而能获得的奖金信息。These sheets showed not just the prevailing mortgage rates but the reward that brokers could reap for bleeding unsuspecting borrowers.

上周,11个地区达到流行阈值,全国各地发生了600起疑似病例,包括40例死亡。In the last week, 11 LGAs crossed the epidemic threshold, and 600 suspected cases including 40 deaths were reported across the country.

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在一场飞车追逐后,一位女性的尸体被发现在车内。两位警探立刻对她善妒的男友起疑。When a dead woman is found in a car following a high-speed chase, the detectives immediately suspect her jealous boyfriend of foul play.