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厨房预留炊事动力机械用电负荷100KW。Kitchen reserves 100KW three-phase electricity.

动力机、金模具机械。Power machine and hardware components machinery.

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动力机械、机械工程或机电工程等相关专业,大学专科及以上学历。College at least in major of mechanical engineering or related.

盐城市江洋外贸动力机制造有限公司。Yancheng Jiangyang Foreign Trade Power Machine Manufacturing Co.

江都市东方动力机械厂位于中国历史名城扬州。Jiangdu power machinery factories in the East China historic city of Yangzhou.

4个涡轮动力机将为船只提供超过30节的速度。Four gas-turbine propulsion plants will power the ship to speeds above 30 knots.

适用于汽车、拖拉机及其它各种动力机械加注黄油作业。Apply to automobiles, tractors and other power machinery operations butter added.

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蒸汽动力装置中的动力机有汽轮机与蒸汽机。The steam power installations in the power have steam turbines with steam engine.

振动监测是动力机械故障诊断的一个重要组成部分。Vibration monitoring is an important part of driving force machinery fault diagnosis.

着重讨论了农用动力机的排气对大气的污染。In this paper atmospheric pollution created by agricultural diesel engines is discussed.

产品广泛用于微型汽车发动机,摩托车发动机及小型动力机械。Products are widely applied in minicar engine, motor enging as well as minipower maching.

负责对动力机械维修人员和操作人员进行的技术指导和培训。Be responsible for training to the mechanical maintenance employee and operation employee.

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由于使用了动力机械,工厂可以大量生产标准化商品。The factory, by using power-driven machinery, produced standardized commodities in quantity.

虽然波音公司去年进行了燃料电池动力机的试行,但飞机是在电瓶驱动的电动机的帮助下升空的。Although , the aircraft took to the air with help from a battery-electric motor. DLR chief Dr.

例如在往复活塞式动力机械和压缩机中,用连杆来连接活塞与曲柄。For example, inReciprocating power machinery pressors, with link to connect the Pistons and crank.

而传统用于向船舶电力系统供电的辅助动力机随之被关闭。The vessels then shut down auxiliary engines that have historically powered shipboard electrical systems.

双活塞式液压自由活塞发动机是将内燃机与液压泵集成为一体的新型动力机械。The objective of the study is to analyze one particular engine, the dual hydraulic free piston engine-DHFPE.

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和水车一样,风车是最早代替人力的动力机之一。Like waterwheels, windmills were among the original prime movers that replaced human Beings as a source of power.

综合论述了动力试验与测功机在动力机械设备测试的基本方法和应用场合。The primary method and applicable fields of dynamic test and dynamometer in dynamic machinery equipment are summarized.

我们在不断努力,把公司打造成最具影响力的、最具竞争力的品牌动力机械制造商。We will try our best to develop our efficiency and completive to be the most famous power –machine manufacturer in China.