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铁心自动插入机“,”Automatic Core Lapping Machines.

剩磁装置可包括铁心壳和衔铁。The residual magnetic devices can include a core housing and an armature.

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平面轧辊铁心硅钢宽度上的变化或切割长度没有要求。Variation in width of flat rolled electrical steel, not resquared or cut lengths.

通过调整衔铁和铁心之间的间隙大小可以调节喇叭的音调。It can adjust trumpet's tone by adjusting clearance size of gag bit and small pontil.

同时分析铁心带气隙的电流互感器,总结了铁心有非磁性气隙的特点。This paper analyzes the features of the current transformer with non-magnetic air gap.

定子铁心与定子机座壁的接触程度将直接影响传热效果。The gap between stator core and stator frame wall will affect the result of heat transfer.

本机为插中纸板与铁心钮合之专用鸡眼机。The machine forms eyelet specially for the riveting of inserted shank board and iron core.

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本型变压器为全封闭环氧树脂浇注结构,采用C型铁心。This transformer is casting resin insulated and fully enclosed type with "C" type iron core.

试验结论为进行变压器铁心多点接地定位工作提供了一个有效的方法。Simulation results have proposed a validity method for the work of locating iron-core faults.

本文首先对SR电机的磁场进行了有限元分析,得到了电机铁心各点的磁通密度波形及变化规律。Firstly, SRM magnetic field analysis is performed to get the flux density waveforms in motor core.

阿森纳教练温格强调切尔西仍然没有为铁心要走的全职后卫阿什利科尔开价。Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger insists Chelsea have NOT tabled a bid for want-away fullback Ashley Cole.

推荐了一种新型的输入滤波器结构,它只用两个扼流圈铁心,并使尺寸减小。A new input filter topology is proposed, using only two choke cores and providing the size reduction.

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为了保证定转子之间气隙的均匀性,采用了斜铁心结构。In order to ensure equality of the air gap between rotor and stator, we used oblique iron core frame.

以三心柱变压器铁心的磁路为基础,建立了该种变压器的暂态模型。Based on magnetic circuit of three leg core transformer, the transient model of the transformer is presented.

对三相四框型壳式变压器铁心内磁通的分布进行了分析和计算。The magnetic flux distribution in the three-phase four-frame shell-type transformer is analyzed and calculated.

风扇压头取值及其对发电机转子绕组、铁心压圈温升的影响。Chosen value of pressure head for the fan, and its influence upon temperature rise of the rotor winding and the.

本文通过一系列试验,对冷轧硅钢片铁心叠压中的有关工艺问题进行了研究。In this paper, we study on the laminating technology for cold-rolled silicon steel sheet through a number of tests.

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通过选择合适的板材尺寸,可以明显提高电机铁心用硅钢片的下料利用率。Selection of reasonable dimensions of silicon sheet can significantly improve the material utilization of motor core.

颜色不同,不对双,脱胶,铁心太松,脱线,鞋面不实及攀鞋不均匀。Color not same, not in pair, cementing come off. , shank too loose, loose thread, vamp broken down, wrapping not even.

介绍了铁心桥国家粮食储备库的高大平房仓实现低温储粮的经验。The experience of grain storage in low temperature in large warehouse of Tiexinqiao State Grain Storage is introduced.