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UNB的土木工程学很有名。UNB has a very reputation engineering program.

我是土木学院理论与应用力学1班的学生。Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1 students.

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于南大屿山郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。Earthworks and building works in the Lantau South Country Park.

于西贡东郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。Earthworks and building works wholly in Sai Kung East Country Park.

用于炮弹穿透浓密的林木和轻型土木工事。A fuze delay allows penetration of dense woods and light earthworks.

公园前447年,他全力建设新帝国,由聚敛财富到兴建土木。In 447 BC, he committed the new empire and its wealth to its construction.

搜救队还包括20名医护人员以及土木结构专家。The team also includes 20 paramedics and specialists in building structures.

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一群鱼群集靠近一个暗礁在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。A school of fish clusters near a reef in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.

在星期三,吉布思女士很快由飞机被送到了首都喀土木重罪审判法庭。On Thursday, Ms. Gibbons was whisked into a Khartoum courtroom under heavy security.

在郊野公园内进行探土工程,包括土木工事。To carry out ground investigation works which include earthworks within country parks.

于南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事及建筑工程以进行工程项目。Earthworks and building works in the Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project.

曾经参与过10个不同的隧道工程的伊利诺大学教授土木与环境工程教授优素福·哈沙什说,“就这条隧道的长度来说,需要一个精心设计的环境和照明系统。”Given the length of this tunnel, youneed a carefully designed environment and lighting system.

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士兵们在山岗上修建土木工事并竖起木墙以巩固阵地。The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls.

在郊野公园内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。To carry out landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes within country park.

安装综合流动电话收发站,涉及在郊野公园内之土木工事及建筑工程。To install an integrated mobile station involving earthworks and building works in country park.

一个土木建筑,大厦,道路,围墙都会向我们揭示一些被人遗忘时代和地方。Every earthwork, building, road and hedge tells us something about lost places and forgotten times.

本研究提出一种新的机械式决策机构以决定何时施加控制力于土木建筑结构。In the present study, a new, mechanical, decision-making device is proposed for structural control.

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于北大屿山郊野公园和南大屿山郊野公园内的土木工事以进行工程项目。Earthworks in the Lantau North Country Park and Lantau South Country Park for carrying out the Project.

万树园内不施土木,而按蒙古族的风俗设蒙古包数座。There are no architectural structures in the Ten Thousand Trees Garden except for a few Mongolian yurts.

这位曾经获奖的土木及环境工程讲师自1982年以来一直在弗吉尼亚理工大学任教,是大约75名本科生的导师。Loganathan, who had taught at Virginia Tech since 1982, was an adviser to about 75 undergraduate students.