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这漏网之鱼般的光的精灵,和我们一起游戏。The fairy as the light of escape fish, play with us!

如果你认为你侥幸成为了漏网之鱼,别高兴得太早,时钟并未停止转动。If you think you haven't got caught, the clock is still ticking.

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警察逮捕了大部分的歹徒,但仍有漏网之鱼。The police arrested most of the gangsters, but there were stell stragglers.

这可以让你看到任何你没看过的角落是否有漏网之鱼。This lets you spot any structures you may have overlooked in the corners of the map.

我只能告诉你他在公众生活已有很长一段时间,还是漏网之鱼。I can only tell you that he has been in public life a long while, and has not been caught yet.

这些猎物是菜谱上的常客,但是长相古怪的猎物却常常成为漏网之鱼,得到繁衍生殖的机会。The majority that share a common look are always on the dinner menu, while oddballs are left to reproduce.

但年轻的谢尔盖成了漏网之鱼,他在莫斯科一家织机厂干着卑微的工作,业余写点诗歌。But young Sergei slipped through that net, working humbly in a Moscow loom factory and writing poetry on the side.

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安平看到徐汉元和莫莉一起,把徐汉元拉到一旁,告之了徐汉元有证据说明林午阳就是“青年将团”的漏网之鱼。Anping see Xu Han and Molly, pull Xu Hanyuan aside, tell the Xu Hanyuan there is evidence that Lin Wu Yangs youth will group through the net.

如此多的政府机构负责管辖那么多的生产者,一些不法经营者难免就会成为漏网之鱼。With so many government agencies responsible for policing so many producers, it is inevitable that some unscrupulous operators will slip through the cracks.

负责任的站点会在发现错误后马上改正,但也难免有漏网之鱼。The more responsible sites will quickly catch these errors and correct them, but without the expert eye of a trained copy editor, sometimes they can still go overlooked.

虽然我们可以大胆猜测,出现在论坛上的这些问题已经经过了某种程度的筛选,但似乎还是有些生动有趣的问题成了“漏网之鱼”。While we would hazard a guess that the questions appearing on the Xinhua forum have already been vetted to some extent, some telling inquiries seem to have slipped through the cracks.

相反,该计划概述罗列了20多个其他步骤,从加强旨在阻止鲤鱼乘虚而入的电网,到使用鱼网或毒药对付侥幸漏网之鱼。Instead, the plan outlines two dozen other steps, from strengthening an electric barrier designed to block the carp's advance to using nets or poisons to nab fish that make it through.

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NHS还担心如果大规模疫苗接种项目消除了大部分病例,却有几个孩子成了漏网之鱼而仍处于未接种疫苗的状态,成年后发展出更糟的病例。The NHS also worries that if a mass vaccination programme eliminates the majority of cases, a few children will slip through the net, remain unvaccinated and develop worse cases as adults.

而在这个网络以外,我们还可以搜寻到德国、意大利、芬兰、希腊、西班牙、罗马尼亚、波兰、保加利亚、土耳其报纸的英文网,而且还有些漏网之鱼。Beyond this network, a non-exhaustive trawl finds English-language websites of big newspapers in Germany, Italy, Finland, Greece, Spain, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Turkey. Many are recent ventures.