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你就是一个农民。You're a peasant.

农民画啊。A farmer painting.

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农民不同意。The farmers disagree.

陈芳是一个农民。Chen Fang is a farmer.

那位农民买了头雌鹿。The farmer bought a doe.

我们是农民,是穷人。We are farmers and poor.

金雀花,俗称农民的诅咒。Gorse. The farmers’ curse.

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农民回答说没有。No, the farmers responded.

农民给自己的土地施石灰肥料。The farmer limed his land.

日本农民种植水稻。Japanese farmers grow rice.

一个农民打了我的头。For the farmer bops my head.

那农民整天犁地。The farmer ploughed all day.

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农民给犁套上了牲口。The farmer yoked his plough.

农民用干草喂牛。Farmers feed hay to the cows.

去他妈的这群笨蛋农民。Fucking dipshit farmer fucks.

十六世纪的农民I。Sixteenth-Century Peasants I.

有些农民可能补种玉米。Some farmers may replant corn.

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农民往地里下种。Farmers put seed in the ground.

这位农民养了许多奶牛。The farmer keeps a lot of cows.

农民们正忙于摘苹果。Farmers are busy picking apples.