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偶尔装一下淑女。I can try to be a lady.

他的妻子是个娴雅的淑女。His wife is a real lady.

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她活动矜重象一个淑女。She behaved like a lady.

我在这里见淑女连。I'm here to see Lady Lien.

现在的我更像个淑女。I've become more of a lady.

我想一位淑女是不会穿宽松裤的。I don't think a lady would sag.

要不要给“淑女教育”一点掌声?Gentlewoman-training, yes or no?

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我憎恨粗鲁、没有淑女风度的女孩!I detest rude, unladylike girls!

我将会宁可被一位淑女听取报告“!I'd rather be debriefed by a lady!

只有真正的淑女才可以穿和服。Only real ladies can wear kimonos.

这女孩已经长成窈窕淑女了。The girl has grown up to be a lady.

我们都知道所谓淑女总要变坏的。We all know nice girls finish last.

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她是一位真正的淑女、一个有灵性的人。She was a real lady, an inspiration.

日本来的喜乐蒂妹妹,很淑女哦!The Japan Sheltie girl is so lady like.

她的举止总如淑女一般。She always conducts herself like a lady.

她的武士和淑女们-她的宫廷在那里。Her knights and daises---her court is there.

那边的柜台卖淑女装。The counter over there sells young lady's suits.

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在靠近伦敦的一个小的城镇,在那里居住了一位老淑女。In a small town near London, there lived an old lady.

她是个淑女,细腻又华丽,不像有如吉普赛人的我。She was lady, lace and cameo, not the gypsy that is me.

韩版淑女高气质款毛织外套!Korean Ladies woolen coat with high temperament section!