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这真令我飘飘欲仙。It sends me into the sky.

"快乐"一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。"Enjoyed" is too mild a word.

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我感觉我既生机勃勃又飘飘欲仙。I am feeling both alive and spaced out.

那真是美妙至极的一天,我简直都到飘飘欲仙了。It was a beautiful day, and I was in heaven.

绘画时,我全身心的放松,打开音乐,倒一杯红酒,简直飘飘欲仙。I put music on.I use a glass of wine and I fly.

他一个人在醉乡里飘飘欲仙。He felt like a celestial being alone in a drunken stupor.

那感觉飘飘欲仙,那刺痛就像突如其来的快感It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me

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组合得体,给人以飘飘欲仙的美感。Combines appropriately, for human by graceful esthetic sense.

我尽量不回家,与朋友们一起喝酒,吸食大麻,从而得到飘飘欲仙的快感。I'd avoid going home, staying out with friends instead, drinking and getting high.

你会感到身心愉悦,飘飘欲仙,达到物我两忘的境界。You will feel the physical and mental pleasure, high, reaching from the two forgotten realms.

福克斯新闻报道,超级高潮一次能持续几分钟甚至数小时,带给人飘飘欲仙,旷世超然的满足感。An EMO can last minutes or hours, offering up blissful sensations at increasing intensities, reports Fox News.

我敢肯定那个家伙飘飘欲仙的时候绝没想到会发生什么事情,因为他醉心于酒后开车而我却因此而丧命。I am sure the guy had no idea while he was flying high, because he chose to drink and drive that I would have to die.

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不在线或不吸毒的时候,瘾君子会习惯性地难以自禁地去追寻,渴望和再次制造那种飘飘欲仙的快感。The addict becomes conditioned to compulsively seek, crave and recreate the sense of elation while off-line or off-drug.

卡洛斯看见我。他的表情立刻从一种飘飘欲仙的舒畅变成卑贱的恐怖。他惊恐大叫。Carlos saw me. His expression instantly turned from one of consummate pleasure to one of abject terror . He cried out in fear.

我是说,你知道,解百衲葡萄酒也能很强健,喝起来飘飘欲仙,但它们对我来说太平凡了,因为某种原因,相对而言。No, I mean, you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, for some reason, by comparison.

躺在王室卧榻之侧,看着那些带有凯特和王子威廉插图的剪报,你一定会感到飘飘欲仙。Featuring illustrated cut-outs ofKate Middleton and Prince William, you'll feel pretty high and mighty snugglingnext to royalty.

当你轻触情人的嘴唇,你会感到心跳加速,飘飘欲仙。When you touch gently the lips of your beloved your heart begins to beat speedily, the mind is hazed with pleasant feelings and you fly away.

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报导指出,澳洲有一群沙袋鼠跑进罂粟田吃了鸦片后「飘飘欲仙」,在田里绕圈跳跃,踏平了作物。Wallabies are getting " as high as a kite" on opium in Australian poppy fields and flattening crops as they hop round in circles, it was reported.

法国人高馥女士身着白色功夫衫,形神飘飘欲仙。她说话语速奇快,一口流利的京片子,令人不由得打心眼里佩服她道地的“本土化”。She says speech fast strange fast, a fluent Beij ing film, your person can'ts help hitt ing her trueborn admires in heart " ma inland is changed ".

所以现在他们让你服用大把的药物,让你飘飘欲仙,而你也因为吸食了毒品而变得神志不清,所以你会说,这方法还挺管用的。So nowadays they just pump you full of some drug to get you really happy and so you're really stoned out of your head, you're and say this isn't so bad.