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对单线铁路隧道全环整体模筑衬砌台车和施工工艺进行了研究。The platform and the construction technology for full-circular monolithic lining are studied.

这个设计要求在每个方向有三条交通车道和一条单线铁路线。The design requirements were for three lanes of vehicular traffic and a single rail line in each direction.

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乌鞘岭隧道是兰新线重点控制工程,是国内最长的单线铁路隧道。Wuqiaoling tunnel, the longest single-track railway tunnel in China, is the key project of Lanzhou— Urumchi Railway.

乌鞘岭隧道是兰新线重点控制工程,是国内最长的单线铁路隧道。Wushaoling railway tunnel is the longest single-track railway tunnel in China and is the key project of Lanxin railway line.

采用有限差分软件,对浅埋偏压单线铁路隧道和四车道公路隧道进行数值模拟。Numerical simulation using finite differential code is conducted for single lane railway and four lane road tunnel of shallow bias.

以汉丹线旅客列车提速方案为背景,分析了单线铁路快速旅客列车基本扣除系数和额外扣除系数。The author suggests a calculating method for determining the removal coefficient of passenger trains on double track railway with au.

本论文通过京九铁路复线柳城隧道这一具体案例,介绍了在富水膨胀土围岩地质条件下单线铁路隧道施工支护方案的实践。A construction project of tunnel supporting under expansive soil and water conditions is introduced in this thesis, taking Liucheng tunnel as an example.

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本文针对单线铁路混凝土重力式桥墩,研究了考虑材料非线性和几何非线性的分析方法。In this paper, an analysis method in consideration of the nonlinearity of materials and geometry for gravity concrete piers in railway bridges is studied.

将原有单线铁路通过增建复线进行改造,既可大大提高既有铁路的运输能力和运输效率又可节省建设投资。By means of transform the existing railway to double line railway, we can improve the transportation efficiency and transport capacity not to mention saving investment.

在高峰时期,200台车厢组成的火车每过十分钟就会蜿蜒地行驶在中国北方的单线铁路上,前往东部富裕沿海地区的港口和主要的发电站。At peak times, snakes of 200-carriage trains pass every 10 minutes on single rails through northern China, en route to ports and major power plants on the wealthy eastern seaboard.

以汉丹线旅客列车提速方案为背景,分析了单线铁路快速旅客列车基本扣除系数和额外扣除系数。The basic removal coefficient and additional removal coefficient of speedup passenger trains on single railway lines are analyzed by taking HankouDanjiangkou railway line as the background.

文中提到的有价值的技术成果与实用的新工艺,可以作为今后单线铁路长隧道快速施工的借鉴。The valuable technical achievements and practical new construction process mentioned in the article can be taken as reference for the construction of long single track railway tunnels in the future.