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我们又打平手了。We're tying again.

因此,这一局是平手。So this category is a draw.

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“平手”的局面他们维持了多久?How long did they stay on deuce?

再拿一分我们就打成平手。One more point and we'll be tying.

为何每次都打成平手。How do they go to deuce every time?

第一局比赛打了个平手。The score was tied in the first inning.

没有,它俩打个平手对吧No, at that point it's just a tie, right?

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考虑到这些方面,我宣布二者在这一回合中打成平手。In this respect, I declare this one a tie.

好了,现在我们达成平手了,重新开始吧。So, we are even. Now, let's start all over.

然而你打破平手的僵局赢得最后一盘赛。Then I won the tie-breaker to take the final set.

你甚至可以说他们对彼此之爱打了个平手。You might say they had loved each other to a draw.

再拿一分我们就打成平手。Judith 'll have to get seven more points to take lead.

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该队打得很卖力,但仍然不能打成平手。The team played very hard, but could not get out of the hole.

自从我们最后一次争论打成平手之后,我不知道还能有什么期望。I didn't know what to expect after our last argument went mean.

若比赛时间结束平手,则举行5分钟的骤死赛,掷铜板决定开球方。If draw, we will go for 5 more minutes sudden death, coin for kick-off.

经过了八局半的比赛后,比分仍然停留在二比二的平手局面。After eight and a half innings2, the scores were still tied at two and two.

差不多打成平手,其他人现在不知道。All right, I'm going to give you ten seconds fifteen seconds to make up your mind.

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打架开始时,两队战成平手,尽管双方犯规次数相差悬殊。The two teams were tied at the time of the fight, despite the lopsided foul count.

祝你生日快乐。我们还是结束吧,打成平手,俄罗斯方块你赢了,你的上肢力量就跟个同…You're beating me in Tetris, but you've got the upper body strength of a Keebler elf.

尽管人口挺庞大,印度和中国却打了个平手i,她们的平均性伴侣是最少的。Despite their enormous populations, India and China tie for fewest sex partners on average.