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虽然年事已高,我还是要学开车。Despite advanced years, I'm learning to drive.

但他年事已高,也不了解现在的世界是怎样的。But he is old and he doesn't know how the world is.

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该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.

一提到麦凯恩人们首先想到的一个词就是“年事已高”。The word that people most associate with Mr McCain is “old”.

詹姆斯·戴斯蒙年事已高,住在英格兰北部。James Desmond is an old man, who lives in the north of England.

但是,虽然周的年事已高,他仍旧居住在一个简陋的三层高楼房里。But despite his age Zhou still lives in a modest third-floor walk-up.

曾有不少人拿起他们年事已高有意义的业余爱好。There have been many people who took up meaningful hobbies in their advanced age.

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他尽管年事已高,但还是喜欢自己写东西,而不愿口授别人。In spite of his great age , he preferred to write something rather than dictate others.

我真怕那一声高叫会把老人吓坏了,她必竟年事已高。I was afraid that a high call will take old man frightened, she will have advanced in age.

公爵年事已高,甚是乏味,但他的妻子却年轻貌美,而且不怎么太聪明。The Duke was old and boring , but his wife was young and beautiful , and not very sensible.

而沃尔特·雷利当时年事已高,只得待在特立尼达岛的营地中。But Walter Raleigh, then an old man, stayed behind at a base camp on the island of Trinidad.

令人悲痛的是,阿克巴年事已高,在战争结束的前夜无疾而终。Sadly, Ackbar succumbed to his advanced age, and died of natural causes on the eve of the war's end.

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虽年事已高,他仍日理万机,操劳费神,时刻不忘哪怕再草根的生命。Although old, he still different business needs, laboring trying, not forgotten even moments of life.

伍德豪斯先生年事已高,又爱为琐事发愁,自然无法给女儿作伴儿。Woodhouse was too old and too fond of worrying about trivialities to be a companion for his daughter.

这位老人不顾年事已高,决心乘船去见在新西兰的小儿子。The old man was determined, even at his age, to cross the water to see his youngest son in New Zealand.

在病情较轻的病例中,如果患者年事已高或手术存在风险,医生可能会“观察一阵”。In milder cases, with older patients or where an operation is risky, doctors are likely to ‘watch and wait’.

好,感谢上帝!泰奥菲洛年事已高,你们真不该让他一个人待在牧羊营。Thank God for that. Teofilo is a very old man. You really shouldn't allow him to stay at the sheep camp alone.

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查希尔表示,尽管他年事已高,但仍将继续为阿中友好贡献力量。Zahir Shah said that, though advanced in age, he would continue to work for the friendship of the two countries.

从前在遥远的东方,有一位皇帝,随着岁月的流逝,年事已高的他意识到该是找一个继任者的时候了。Once there was an emperor in the Far East who was growing old and knew it was coming time to choose his successor.

虽然他年事已高,经常入院治疗,他在零一年退休后依旧在国际奥委会有着强大的影响。Despite advancing age and regular hospitalization, he remained strongly involved in the IOC after his retirement in 2001.