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可以借给我你的榔头吗?。Can i borrow your hammer?

有一个榔头和很多大头针。Here is a hammer and lots of tacks.

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一把榔头能造成这样,真是让人惊讶呀!A hammer can make this. So surprised I am.

她使出全身力气抡起榔头砸向他的脑袋。She swung the hammer at his head with all her might.

去问邻居们借用一下他们的榔头。Go and ask the neighbours if we can borrow their hammer.

喂,握住这把改锥,我用榔头试试。Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer.

有些部件可能需要更换,比如说榔头和呢毡。Some may need replacement parts such as hammers or felts.

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用榔头轻轻敲击可将接合螺母钉入位置。The coupling bolts should go into place when tapped lightly with a hammer.

“甜心”和“高叫者”,还有“榔头”和“吊死鬼”,你会选哪个呢?Will you pick “Sweetness” or “The Gollywhopper?” “The Hammer” or “Stretch?”

铁锚珊瑚,也称榔头珊瑚,有铁锚—形状末端到它们的触须。Anchor coral, also called hammer coral, have anchor-shaped ends to their tentacles.

对于已经在这个城市生活了几十年的居民来说,现在就像是砸在他们头上的榔头一样。In a city that has had it tough for decades these are hammer blows to its residents.

他饰演了一位无甚名气的拳赛经纪人“土耳其”,饱受匪首“榔头”托普之扰。He plays a small time boxing promoter named Turkish who’s being hassled by the mobster Brick Top.

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持续发展,不仅制造冰斧,还扩展新的产品如冰爪,榔头,岩钉,螺母等等。P. went on to develop not only ice axes, but new items such as crampons, hammers, pitons and nuts.

他拿起一个榔头,在右侧挡泥板前弯下身,轻轻敲了两下废气循环阀。He picked up a ball-peen hammer, leaned on the passenger-side fender, and tapped twice on the EGR valve.

然而,它与微妙做它的工作践踏象酸果蔓的果实果汁一样的一些东西的榔头紧张。It does its job with subtlety, however, spurning the hammer intensity of something like cranberry juice.

星期三下午,卡托在他所居住的那个混乱的小区里被人用榔头打死。On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Kato was beaten to death with a hammer in his rough-and-tumble neighborhood.

浑身颤抖着,他们发现有个老人正拿着榔头和凿子凿一块墓碑。Trembling with fear, they spotted an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.

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尼基雅·帕梅儿暂停在一幅画前注视着,画中是一位有着榔头发型的传奇式人物,他正在弹奏他那标志性的吉普森吉他。Nickia Palmer stopped briefly to peer at a photo of the dreadlocked legend playing his trademark Gibson guitar.

塔利班的榔头敲碎了这尊粘土烧塑像,而馆方的保存专家最近才将碎片拼组完成。Taliban hammers had shattered the fired-clay statue, and museum conservators recently finished reassembling the fragments.

我们还可以在塑料水管上,用榔头和钉子打些洞,就可以取代洒水器,而让水汩汩地润泽着农作物。To replace the sprinklers, we could punch holes in the pipe with a hammer and nail and let water dribble out to the plants.