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这里提供送货上门服务。We offer a home-delivery service.

这里提供送货上门服务。It provides home-delivery service here.

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我们可提供送货上门服务。We can offer door-to-door delivery services.

他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store.

免费送货上门服务,为您省时,省心,省力!Free door-to-door service, for you save time, worry, effort!

送货上门、货到付款,无条件退换货。Home delivery, cash on delivery, unconditional return policy.

在日本,送货上门的服务被称为“宅急送”。In Japan, having goods sent to your door is called "takuhaibin".

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实行批量送货上门,外地代办托运的销售方式。Batch door-to-door, the field agent"s consignment sales methods."

选择送货上门是否优于亲自开车去商店?Is having shopping delivered better than driving to the shops yourself?

本单位有厢式货车二辆,面包车三辆,每天为广大客户提供送货上门服务。I. Two vans and three microbuses are available to serve clients every day.

你可以选择自己去购买或是送货上门。You either buy them yourself or have them delivered to your home or office.

您是否同意店方在送货上门时收取适当的费用?Can you accept delivery goods to your appointed place with an appropriate fee?

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如果您在英国本土居住,那么销售商可以为您提供送货上门服务,将小屋用船送至府上。If you live in UK these floating homes can be delivered to your site by a boat.

售货员送货上门,便利群众。The shop assistants sell goods from door to door for the convenience of the masses.

本公司为广大顾客提供了普通快递送货上门服务。The company's customers for the majority of ordinary express home delivery services.

请问您的货物选择到货运站自提还是我们给您送货上门?What is your choice of goods to the cargo terminal to or from our door-to-door to you?

当我们可以在线购物并享受送货上门的便利的时候,又为什么要去逛商场买东西呢?Why go to the store to buy something when you can order it online and have it delivered.

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选择月付费,你每周还有两到三次可以收到送货上门的水果和零食。Pay monthly, and you’ll get fruit and snacks sent to your house two or three times a week.

法律还规定消费者人权撤销任何送货上门买卖合同。The law also provides that the consumer has the right to cancel any door-to-door contract.

全新正品行货,保修三年,提供送货上门服务,外地货到付款。New genuine licensed, warranty of three years, providing home delivery services, field COD.