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他们旧事重提,揭开了旧的伤痕。Their redux reopens old wounds.

六朝旧事,一江流水,万感天涯暮。The Six Dynasties, river water, Tianya million mu.

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我最喜欢的一本是“城南旧事”。My favorite one is "The Old Story of South Beijing".

面对这般旧事新说,您又作何感想呢?What do you think of this new vision of the old story?

那么这场革命是来真的呢,还是只不过"旧事重提"?Is this real revolution, or just a blast from the past?

皆奏一枫曲,旧事难讼心底言。Are playing a song, old difficult litigation heart words.

翎我眼中有浅浅的海,前尘旧事拍岸,侵蚀出一湾想念。My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss.

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不要在重提旧事,很久之前我们就澄清那误会了。Don't beat the dead horse. We cleared up that misunderstanding long ago.

从历史聊到体育,从最新旧事聊到政治。We talk everything from history to sports, from latest news to politics.

在摇曳的灯光下,听反串皇后樊其辉唱一曲老歌,讲一段旧事。In the wavering light, drag queen sang an old song and told a past story.

自由就在你眼前,你为何不愿再旧事重提?It was right there in front of you. Why do you want to talk about that again?

然后,突然之间,一些人又坚持重提旧事。Then, all of a sudden, some people insisted on bringing the subject up again.

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我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。Every time I see Lily, I get very upset. She's always trying to dig up the past.

旧事重提,只为促进今天的反省。Bringing up a matter of the past, only in order to promote today's introspection.

当和所爱的人有不同意见时,解决眼前的问题,不要旧事重提。In disagreement with love ones, deal only with current situation. Don't bring the past.

红尘中,多少蓬莱旧事,空回首,烟霭纷纷。In the world of mortals, the number of Penglai news, empty back in succession, the clouds.

我们渐渐谈起几时的旧事来,我便叙述到这一节,自说少年时代的胡涂。We are talking about when things come, I will go up to the day since boyhood, say confused.

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敞的阳台上,看楼前的木槿花开花落,心中便缠绕起浮云旧事般温柔的感恩与怀念。On occasion, I leaned on the open balcony of my house, seeing the hibiscuses blossom and fade.

回程时,我还确保我用塑料袋把那管润肤霜特别装好,避免旧事从演。On the return trip, I made sure that I put it in a small plastic bag in case it spilled again.

失望之余她暂时搁起这一话题,但一有机会她就马上旧事重提。In despair she had dropped the subject for the time, only to renew it at the first opportunity.