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小样的,你有两下子。Small one, you have tow down son.

小样的,你有两下子!Small one, you have two down son.

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第三章是一个小样本的实证研究。The third part is a positive study.

小样儿,你又偷拍我!You small, Candid Camera of me again !

小样,在说什么宇宙大笑话吗。Sample, say what the universe big joke.

我从编辑我曾经的那些底片小样和书开始的。I began by editing all my contact sheets and books.

但我,我喜欢你的小样儿,你的风格,喜欢整个儿的你。But I-I like your steeze, your style, your whole demeanor.

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小样儿的居然敢徒手来拨我的枪?The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?

我喜欢钱小样,因为她的性子,我学不来。I like small money, because her temperament, I learn not to come.

人们可以购买各种不同食物的小样。People can purchase small tastes of many different kinds of food.

当回顾着底片小样的时候,各种情感都会回来的。All kinds of things are working when you’re looking at the contact sheet.

每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。Each small quadrat must be more homogeneous than the sociation as a whole.

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每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。Each small quadrat must be more homogenerous than the sociation as a whole.

我这周录了我的第一对小样,在周一,I've been recording my first couple of demos just this week, some on Monday,

她还会在手包里放上一个香水小样,让自己心情好起来。There's also always a perfume sample in her purse 'for a little pick-me-up.'

是购买者同样被他们需要去改变公司的产品小样所征服了么?Were the buyers' people so blown away by the product demos that they wanted to switch firms?

采用T检验法用于小样本两个平均值差异程度的检验。T-Inspection is applied to inspect the difference of two average values of the small swatches.

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早产组比足月小样组有更高的生长追赶率,女孩比男孩有更高的生长追赶速度。The comparison of catch-up growth between two LBW groups showed premature was higher than SGA.

盒中装有四至五样化妆品小样,例如睫毛膏或护手霜等,部分产品则可能为较大容量包装。One box includes four to five cosmetics samples such as mascara or hand lotion, some in larger sizes.

夜愿收到了成千上万的应征者小样,你们听的完吗?Nightwish has probably received hundreds or thousands of demos from vocalists. Who can listen ALL demos?