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账已注销。The account has been written off.

注销一个对象。Use this to unregister an object.

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从管理控制台注销。Log off the administrative console.

从管理控制台注销。Logout of the administration console.

你甚至可以注销交易债务。You can even write off business debts.

注销管理控制台。Log out from the administrative console.

我可以注销一个类作为一个“迭代器”?。Can I unregister a class as an 'Iterator'?

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您可以定制登录和注销行为。You can tailor the login and logout behavior.

从主服务器上注销本地服务器。Unregister this server from the master server.

于期内,概无任何购股权遭注销或作废。None were cancelled or lapsed during the period.

我可以按招待费把这个注销吗?Can I write this off as an entertainment expense?

他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.

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当我注销了会员卡,我觉得自由了。When I cancelled my membership, I felt liberated.

那些已经做过的梦不可能注销。That which is dreamed can never after be undreamed.

动态注销一个输出过滤器。Use this to dynamically unregister an output filter.

注销以前注册的扩展程序提供程序。Unregister a previously registered Extender Provider.

指定监督人员并须于记录册上签暑注销。The designated officer is to sign-off on the register.

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罗斯,听着,如果你不去注销,我也会去。Ross, listen, if you do not get this annulment, I will.

大屿山封闭道路通行许可证可随时注销作废。The Lantau Closed Road Permit may be revoked at any time.

至此,您已经有了一个登录和注销系统。At this point, you have a working login and logout system.