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将军责成我制订战略行动计划。The general ordered me to strategize.

制订目标和时间表,然后马上开始吧!Set a goal and a time-line, and get started.

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制订计划、展望未来。Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future.

根据新的规章制度制订新的聘书。The new hiring was done according to the book.

制订一份计划,展示你的主动精神,做到全力以赴。Show initiative and "put your best foot forward."

到1933年,任何一个有自尊心的政治家都要制订计划。By 1933 no self-respecting statesman was without a plan.

制订并实施适合你组织的SOA过程。Get your organization-specific SOA process up and running.

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然后我重新制订了艺术,以适合正确的纸张尺寸。Then I re-formulated the art to fit the correct paper size.

1811年,美国制订了第一部有限责任法。In 1811, from America, came the first limited-liability law.

制订周全谐协的人口政策。To establish a coherent and comprehensive population policy.

目的制订青黛软膏的质量标准。Objective To establish the quality standard of indigo ointment.

HSSE环保组制订了赛科监测因子。The HSSE Environment team confirmed Secco's monitoring factors.

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威瑞信正与我们合作制订部署战略。VeriSign is working with us to establish a deployment strategy.

中国在1979年制订的独生子女政策是一个悲剧。China’s one-child policy formulated in 1979 has been a disaster.

解决办法就是为消费制订计划,把每件事都写下来。The solution is to plan your expenses and write everything down.

到了1854年,作为世界经济中心的英国也效仿美国制订了有限责任法。In 1854, Britain, the world’s leading economic power, did so too.

监督办公士气及制订建筑队活动及旅行计划。Monitor office morale and plan team-building activities or trips.

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制订出合理的铸造工艺,实践证明,该工艺能够保证铸件的质量。The result shows that it could ensure the quality of the casting.

能够胜任制订项目HSSE程序和计划。Competent in the development of Project HSSE Procedures and plans.

在每个循环的开始,制订客户驱动的适应计划At the beginning of each iteration, client-driven adaptive planning