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冯战强一直有这样的希冀。Mr Zhanqiang have such a hope has been.

并且在那地,希冀着,最后真正的疯狂。And there , mayhap , true madness at last.

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不孤负教师希冀的!To live up to expectations of the teachers!

那希冀高远的天国仍然太愚蠢!Twere folly still to hope for higher Heaven.

一颗朴拙地心在希冀你地信赖。A sincere heart in expectation of your trust.

在这么多人的希冀下,你不负众望。In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down.

他把箱子稳稳地放在桌上,以希冀的神情望着我们。Planting his case on the table,he looked at us expectantly.

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如果你为一家大企业工作,我们希冀听到你的声音。If you work for a large company, we would like to hear from you.

这就使盖特纳对全球再平衡的希冀略嫌难堪了。That sits awkwardly with Mr Geithner’s hopes for global rebalancing.

我们凭什么希冀女神们会帮助可怜的利西达斯?Why after all should we expect the nymphs to have helped poor Lycidas?

在一切有困难的交涉中,不可希冀一边下种一边收割。In all difficult negotiations, do not hope for planting and harvesting.

又好比你对着黑压压的一群人声嘶力竭的吼叫,希冀能有一两个对你的喊叫有所反应。You’re harassing thousands of people hoping that a couple will respond.

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浓雾好似大地的希冀。它藏起了自己哭求的太阳。The mist is like the earth' s desire. It hides the sun for whom she cries.

昔日的希冀,昔日的梦,在此刻,随花儿一起凋谢。The past expectation and dream are fading with the flowers at this moment.

乔治·布什的这位财政部长并没有听到他所希冀的答案。The answer was not the one George Bush's treasury secretary wanted to hear.

希冀本论文在实践上对大众文化的创作有一定的帮助和启示。I hope this article will be helpful to popular culture creation in practice.

我想这种有所希冀的生活要比盼望暑假快点结束要好得多。I feel like there's more to look forward to otherthan the end of this summer.

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这就是我们在看到“美”时,心中所激起的希冀的意义。This is the meaning of the longing which stirs within us at the sight of Beauty.

不过,当其他人从监牢中只看到泥泞和煎熬时,他们看到的是光明与希冀。But when others looked out from the same prison bars and saw mud, they saw stars.

在爱情中拥有一位真正的灵魂伴侣是每个人所希冀的。Ultimately, being with a true soul partner is all about being purposeful in love.