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这些地方有很多游人。you do get a lot of tourists.

间有游人来往的花园边上。By some not unfrequented Garden-side.

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我通常在家,也喜欢游人做伴。I'm usually home and I'd love the company.

豫园总是游人如云。Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.

留园的这个入口处是为游人准备的。The entrance was specially built for visitors.

中俄边境黑瞎子岛,即将对游人开放。Sino-Russian border island to open to tourists.

游人们在老远就看到山顶上的塔。The visitors descried the tower on top of the mountain.

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一直觉得你不适合杭州。暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。Can't do a thing with ashes, but throw them to the wind.

古往今来,岱海吸引着无数游人。Through the ages, attracts numerous tourists haidai sea.

当遇上黄山游人,一个个皆笑容可掬,神态憨然。Huangshan Where visitors are a smiling, look foolish Ran.

憩息或安营时远离步道与其他游人。Take breaks and camp away from trails and other visitors.

游人款步漫游颐和园。Tourists walk in the Summer Palace with deliberate steps.

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如今这里还保留有一些科考站遗址,游人仍旧可在这里的温泉中畅游。Today you can see their remains, plus swim in hot springs.

幔亭一夜风吹雨,似与游人洗俗尘。Manting night wind and rain, may wash Suchen with visitors.

游人在修复中的中宁街上游览。The tourists visit the ZhongNing street which in repairing.

苍茫海气连云动,石上游人别有情。Lianyun vast sea air moving upstream were not sentient rock.

中国民俗文化村每天游人如鲫。The China Folk Culture Village swarms with visitors everyday.

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威尼斯的游人总是在平底船上享受他们的闲暇时间。Visitors in Venice always enjoy their spare time on gondolas.

每年夏天,吸引了无数的游人纷沓而至。Every summer, attracting countless visitors and to divergent Da.

这些路牌可以防止游人走冤枉路。These road signs make sure that tourists don't go the wrong way.