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我对这本书是倒背如流。I know this book backward.

所有演员对剧本都熟知到可以倒背如流。All the actors know the play backward.

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她现在对这个剧本肯定是倒背如流。She must know the play backwards by now.

他能把许多古典作品倒背如流。He can run off many classics from memory.

我强迫自己不断地听这些东西,现在我可以倒背如流了。They are drummed so often into me that I could recite them backward.

那本书你读了很多遍,现在一定能倒背如流了。You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now!

至今他还能将近二百个电话号码倒背如流,一号不差。He also has nearly 200 phone number recite, I could not fail to notice.

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这孩子五岁时就能把许多唐诗倒背如流。The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five.

如此一句台词,一句在老电影里每个军官且雷恩能倒背如流的台词。Such a line. An old movie scene that every officer Raine ever knew could quote verbatim.

大多数论点都已了如指掌,我简直可以在睡梦中倒背如流。Now I knew most of the Brotherhood arguments so well that I could repeat them in my dream.

在演出的时候,他使用电子装置来给他显示那些他曾经倒背如流的歌词。During his show, he uses an electronic device that shows him the words he once knew by heart.

我认识的一些不太关注政治的人都能对她的理念倒背如流。Several people I've talked with who are not politically active have been able to recite her themes from memory.

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您更可以把结果倒背如流因为您会经常想起它,尽管测试的结果已经送出去很久了。You can recite it by number and you remember it long after the result of the test has been sent in to Prime Net.

生活中,或许我们对工作内容倒背如流,以至于轻视了一些简单步骤的需要。Life, perhaps we recite every word of the work content, so that the neglect of the needs of a number of simple steps.

每到一处,先是20分钟的演讲,然后回答提问,几十场下来,演讲内容都已倒背如流。Every reach one point, it is speech of 20 minutes first, answer a query next, a few come down, speech content already know sth thoroughly.

中国的学校正在批量生产“罗门·舍雷舍夫斯基”,这样的学生拥有详实的记忆并且永远都能倒背如流,但是却从来无法创新。Chinese schools are producing a nation of Shereshevskiis, students with photographic memory and instant recall, but who can never be creative.

你去过多少地方?一些美国人可能会说出一大串美国的城市和公园,但另一些人可能对世界各大洲的情况倒背如流。Some Americans will recite a list of local cities and amusement parks, while others will run off a list of country names from every continent.

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媒介的历史可能很多人都可以倒背如流,从口头传播到纸质媒介再到电影电视直至今天的互联网。The history of the media may be a lot of people can recite every word, from word of mouth to a paper-based media, and then to film and television up to today's Internet.

认真确认他们的言语能否灵敏,能否能精确的把握你的企图。假如他们只是把过场背的倒背如流,会让你的现场既无趣又做作,那么这份钱你可就白花了。Seriously confirm their words can be sensitive, can accurately grasp your attempt. If they just cut back backwards, make your site uninteresting and contrived, so the money you wasted.

白衣长老看得很清楚,如果跟他们讲道理,他们可以倒背如流,但是谁都不会瞭解那个道理究竟是什麽。The White- cowled Elder was aware of this. If he gave them a lesson, they learned it so well they could recite it backwards. But no one would have understood precisely what that lesson was about.