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旧的记忆或许会被新的脑细胞扫地出门。Old memories may get the boot from new brain cells.

如果你在一家公司犯了很多错误,那么你肯定会被扫地出门。If you make one too many mistakes, you’re out on the street.

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后一种情况一旦发生,政府就会拆散管理层,把股东扫地出门。In the latter situation, management would be removed and shareholders wiped out.

她随即把安迪扫地出门,也把鹦鹉送人,因为它不断高叫克莱尔的名字。She sent Andy packing and gave Harvey away, because he kept screeching Claire's name.

因此,他们将很有希望在下周得到心仪的裁决结果,从而将希克斯和吉列扫地出门。So hopefully in kicking out Hicks and Gillett they'll get the verdict they need next week.

如果今天这场战败,那麽光芒明天会有极佳的机会在这四连战中把洋基扫地出门。If this game is a loss, then the Rays had an excellent chance to sweep the four game series.

你有一个称之为“家”的舒适小别墅,还是被人从祖屋扫地出门?Do you have a cozy cottage to call home, or have you been banished from you ancestral estate?

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副主席邓恩在就克伦科收购俱乐部的计划问题上与董事会其他成员一番争论后,被扫地出门。Vice-chairman Dein was ousted after a dispute over Stan Kroenke's plans to take over the club.

由于优先清偿权,创始人和所有员工一无所获,而被扫地出门。Due to liquidation preference rights, the founders and all employees walk away with exactly nothing.

技术证书好比敲门砖,它可以把你领进门,但如果活干得不好的话,还是一样会被扫地出门。While technical credentials can get you in the door, you'll get nailed if you can't handle the work.

同时,持续壮大的管理层以及现金流转困扰着我,我想把这些问题扫地出门。Meanwhile, it’s an ever growing administrative and cash flow problem for me. I want this off my plate.

Guillo表示,租户被扫地出门的现象增多也是越来越多的宠物被送往收容所的原因。A rise in home evictions was also to blame for the growing number of animals sent to pounds, Guillo said.

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迭戈。弗兰披露他因为球鞋的问题而被曼联扫地出门。Diego Forlán has revealed that he got the boot from Manchester United because of the length of his studs.

篱笆缺损,林地支离破碎,榛睡鼠差不多已从英国的土地上被扫地出门。Loss of hedgerows and fragmentation of woodland habitat has nearly wiped out the Hazel Dormouse from Britain.

更何况,说不定还能以低价合同招揽到即将被扫地出门的马布里或者廷斯利呢。Perhaps much less, can also gather by the low price contract to soon Mabry who or Tinsley makes a clean sweep.

而且,千万别以为我会忘记,你们如何轻易地就让我签了购买合同,并迅速地“将我扫地出门”。And don't think I will ever forget the ease with which you got my paperwork finished and whisked me out the door.

当某个人说,“你和你的点子都很有价值”,那你应该知道你和你的点子距离扫地出门已经不远了。When someone says, "You and your ideas are valued, " you know both you and your ideas are a step closer to the door.

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起先,艾美理直气壮地去凯文家理论,要求讨回她的地,但凯文母亲和姐姐叫警察将她扫地出门。At first, Amy rightfully to Kevin home theory, demanding back to her, but Kevin out her mother and sister went to the police.

个半月的首席财务长就失去了人们的信任,最终随着雷曼的倒闭而被扫地出门。But Ms. Callan, who was CFO for just six-and-a-half months, lost credibility and eventually was shown the door as Lehman crumbled.

马德里,是一个神奇的地方,在卡佩罗赢得了联赛冠军之后,他因为过度痴迷防守而被扫地出门。Madrid, of course, is the place where Fabio Capello could win a league title and then get run out of town for being too defensive.