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老师破天荒布置了一篇自由作文。The teacher delivered a free writing amazingly.

她有天晚上破天荒地去了一次当地的迪斯科舞厅。One evening, she made a rare outing to the local discotheque.

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与此同时,他让都柏林破天荒第一次获得都市自治敕书。Meanwhile he gave to Dublin its first charter of municipal liberties.

但是,他碰到这样的事情,这在他一生中还是破天荒头一回。But this was the first time in his life such a thing had happened to him.

那一刻,白宫将破天荒地迎来首位黑人主子,一个崭新的纪元即将拉开。For the first time, a black first family will enter the White House and a new era will begin.

塞迪约破天荒挑选了一位反对党人士出任司法部长。In an unprecedented move, Zedillo chose a member of the opposition party as Attorney General.

无论对于我们记者还是这个组织来说,这类采访都是破天荒第一次。It is the first such interview for all of us, and their answers begin to collide on the page.

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回到家信介破天荒没有给小健吃狗粮,特地给它做了好吃的牛肉。Back to XiaoJian has no letters from home interface to eat dog food, specially the delicious beef.

在突尼斯和埃及,我们看到了答案——破天荒的,和平革命。In Tunisia and now in Egypt, we have seen the result — the rarest of events, peaceful revolutions.

瓦立阿破天荒的说谢谢昨晚芭丽的照顾,还带芭丽去会场。Tile made ground-breaking o say thank barriss care last night, still take ba li go to the meeting.

于我们各方而言,这样的经验,无疑都是破天荒头一遭。But no matter which side we approach this from, this is without a doubt an unprecedented experience for us all.

与此同时,路星河竟破天荒开始学习,研究化学,似乎正在酝酿一个重大的计划。Verdant Milky Way at the same time, the road began to learn, study chemistry, seems to be brewing a great plan.

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这是一部小成本但却有着豪华演员阵容的电影,影片中那些华尔街人物也有缺点,性格乖戾──但是,破天荒地,这一次,他们身上有了人情味。A low-budget movie with a high-powered cast, its Wall Street characters are flawed, cynical─but, for once, actually human.

他提交了创纪录的2012年赤字预算,没有一个参议员——包括民主党人——愿意进行这个破天荒的投票。He submitted a record deficit budget for 2012 that no one in the Senate—Democrats included—could go on the record voting for.

然而,这些研究成果对主要的变装者人群的变装经历,提供了破天荒的科学的看法。Nevertheless, these studies provided the first scientific look at the experiences of a significant segment of cross-dressers.

当他们于2007年被列入棒球名人堂之时,破天荒的有75,000名群众为之欢欣鼓舞。A record crowd of 75,000 cheered Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn during their 2007 induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

这二天仿佛是经历了20年或者200年,从沸点到冰点。为了纪念这两天,破天荒开始写博客。The two days, the feeling was 20 years, or 200 years, from 100 C to 0 C. To remember the two days, begin to write the blog suddenly.

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因此,接下来三周对新加坡、印度、特立尼达和多巴哥、中国和韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty.

自此,九十年来破天荒头一次,公开讨论这个话题——此事排除了301条款幽灵般的干扰。Since then, for the first time in ninety years, there has been public discussion of the subject—this despite the spectre of Article 301.

莱特纳。国际篮球史上破天荒第一次让NBA运动员参加奥运会的竞争。For the first time in international basketball history, NBA players were allowed to compete for the United States in Olympic competition.