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你可以在我的书桌上找到配方和一些龙涎香。You should find the recipe and some ambergris on my desk.

龙涎香是抹香鲸肠内的结石。Ambergris is the concretion in the intestine of the sperm-whale.

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虽然新鲜,龙涎香是黑暗的,有猎奇的一致性和令人作呕的气味。While fresh, ambergris is dark, with flabby consistency and a nauseating odor.

确实,据说在最受女士们欢迎的香奈儿5号香水,您仍可以找到龙涎香的身影。Indeed, it is said that you can still find ambergris in the ladies' favorite Chanel No. 5.

但资源,最具商业收集了巴哈马和普罗维登斯岛龙涎香凸轮。However, most commercially collected ambergris came from the Bahamas and Providence Island.

多年来,用的较多的固定剂是动物制品龙涎香、香猫香、麝香、以及河狸香。For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris, civet , musk and castoreum.

不过在格罗塞尔,也许是事实,有些人甚至把龙涎香用在他们的食物调味品。Still grosser , perhaps, was the fact that some people even put ambergris into their food as flavoring.

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人类甚至把龙涎香比作一坛好酒,时间愈久,品质愈佳。Ambergris has even been compared to a fine wine, as its quality increases the longer it has spent aging.

再想象一下,您的龙涎香日积月累地越变越大了,是时候把它给丢掉了。Now let's imagine that your ambergris has been building up for a while now, and it's time to get rid of it.

龙涎香是抹香鲸所吞食的枪乌贼或其它动物的不能被消化部分周围积聚的分泌物。It is thought to form as a collection of feces around indigestible parts of squid and other prey of the whale.

因为龙涎香本身就散发出一种香气,它有助于别的香气持久不散。While it has a natural odor of its own, ambergris also enhances other fragrances by helping their scents to last longer.

龙涎香,可在海上漂浮,在黄金海岸附近的沙子,有时在鲸鱼的肚子。Ambergris can be found floating upon the sea, or in the sand near the coast, and sometimes in the abdomens of the whales.

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龙涎香是鲸鱼为了顺利消化大乌贼身上的尖喙而分泌的蜡状物质。Ambergris is a waxy substance produced by whales in order to safely digest the sharp beaks of their favorite snack—the giant squid.

但是没关系,因为您肚子里能分泌一种叫龙涎香的蜡状油脂物,能够保护您的内脏不被内壳诸如此类尖锐的东西所伤。But it's OK, because your belly produces something called ambergris, a waxy oil that protects your insides from sharp beaks and whatnot.

抹香鲸经济价值和药用价值很大,最可贵的是龙涎香,酷似麝香胜似麝香,只要吸收一点就会奇香扑鼻,经久不变。Sperm whales economic value and great medicinal value, the most valuable is Ambergris , like sweet musk increasingly rising, as long as odd-absorption that would Pubi, perishable unchanged.

降龙涎香醚是公认的天然龙涎香最好的代用品之一,具有强烈的、特殊的龙涎香香气,对其合成方法的研究一直是化学工作者们的研究热点。Ambrox is one of the most important components of natural Ambergris with strong and special ambergris fragrance. The study on synthesis of Ambrox was a hot topic for chemical scientists nowadays.