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醉酒使得这位绅士丢人现眼。The drunk humiliates the gentleman.

醉葡萄酒使得此绅士丢人现眼。The drunk humiliates the gentleman.

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醉酒使得这位绅士丢人现眼。Thee drunk humiliates the gentleman.

这样的行为会使你丢人现眼。Such behavior will bring you into contempt.

他的所作所为给他家丢人现眼。His conduct brought disgrace upon his family.

我这丢人现眼的,师傅真不该麻烦你呀!I'm a fool, the teacher shouldn't bother you!

再看看我们的总理,那简直是让国家丢人现眼。And look at our president. Its a shame on our country.

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真丑的一只土狗!抱来这里简直是丢人现眼!A truly ugly soil dog! Embrace to here indeed is lost face!

而真正的丢人现眼还是到了美国之后。But the realy humiliation occurred after they arrived in America.

有什么事都冲我来,别像两个泼妇,丢人现眼。There is nothing come at me, don't like two virago, make a fool of oneself.

他想结束让他感到丢人现眼的场面。He wanted to put an end to a spectacle that impressed him as being indecent.

想像一下在舞池中央那样丢人现眼的举止。Imagine what it was like to make such a scene in the middle of the dance floor.

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我们都懒得扯了,你不要脸,仙娃儿还觉得你娃丢人现眼勒。We are too lazy to pull, you shameless, baby fairy wanderers also think you disgrace Le.

埃得加的父亲热衷于戏剧,并参加了一个巡回演出团,这被认为是丢人现眼的事。It was considered shameful that Edgar's father was attracted to the theatre and join a travelling company of actors.

收起你们的夹生英语来了。不要丢中国人的脸,英文说成你们那样真…求求你们不要在这里丢人现眼好吗????。Enough of your half-cooked English to the Chinese people not to lose face , I beg you not to disgraced here alright? ? ? ?

“行了吧你,要亲热回自己房去亲热去,别在这里丢人现眼。”朋友一脸鄙视道。" Come on you, keep back to my own room to go to war to stop here, make a fool of oneself. " Friends face looked down road.

两千万美金已经转进你的户头了,拜托你别再给我们家丢人现眼,快快也去给自己买一列火车吧!Twenty million US Dollar has just been transferred to your account. Please stop embarrassing us. Go and get yourself a train too.

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艾萨克森从乔布斯在硅谷卑微的出身开始撰写,他在苹果早期的辉煌,接着丢人现眼地被自己创立的公司扫地出门。Isaacson begins with Jobs’s humble origins in Silicon Valley, the early triumph at Apple, and the humiliating ouster from the firm he created.

日本人,不要野心勃勃,要算算自己手中有什么牌,才可以押大注呀!要不然丢人现眼是很难过的。Japanese, do not be driven by your wild ambition. Does a careful calculation before you place your bet! It is awkward when you make a fool of yourself.

代表班上参加学校英语演讲比赛应该是份荣耀,但对我来说,只不过是另一次丢人现眼的经验罢了。It should have been an honor to represent the class in the English speech contest at school, but for me, it was nothing but another embarrassing experience.