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未来喜新厌旧的速度无与伦比。Nothing gets old as fast as the future.

人们喜新厌旧,抛弃旧的厂房、村庄,甚至是自己的家庭。People cast aside factories, villages, and even families in their pursuit of the new.

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⊙、男人喜欢打闪电战,用最短的时间拿下女人,把喜新厌旧的周期缩短。Men like to play blitzkrieg, with a woman, in the shortest time to shorten the fickle cycle.

因此,买到新的就扔掉旧的逐渐成为一种风尚,喜新厌旧成了主流。Instead, a culture of throwing out old machines and buying new, upgraded alternatives has become the norm.

护肤品要“喜新厌旧”坚持着只用一套护肤品,其实这样是错误的。It is actually wrong to always use the same skin-caring products instead we should'be fickle in affection'.

因为各类铺天盖地,跟换频繁的广告牌,使得人们开始变得喜新厌旧。Due to hundreds and thousands of the billboard changed so frequently, makes people liking the new and hating the old.

彻底改变更敏感内容----哈哈,看来这个机器人也是喜新厌旧的家伙啊!Completely change the content of more sensitive ---- Haha, it seems this robot is also the grass is always greener guy ah!

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喜新厌旧是人的本性,但新必须是美的,而美不一定都是新的。Is new and hate the old human nature, but the new must be the United States, and the United States are not necessarily new.

他们不会记得曾代表一个时代的那些人。喜新厌旧是各个时代人的通病。They will not remember those who have ever symbolized an era. They like the new and loath the old like all the other generation do.

一名男子因喜新厌旧而被他的牙医前女友拔掉所有牙齿,而他现在的新欢也因为他没有牙齿而抛弃了他。A dentist pulled out all her ex-boyfriend's teeth after he dumped her for another woman – who has now left him because he is toothless.

挑战下自己,吃的好且少,交际但不花钱,物尽其用而不喜新厌旧。Challenge yourself to find ways to eat better for less, to socialize without spending and to make do with what you have instead of buying new.

看书,可以博览,可以细嚼,没有人会怪你喜新厌旧,也没有人要求你从一而终。Books can be read cursorily, or chewed and digested. None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection.

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流行或者口味是个很奥妙的东西,有时候有些东西或造型现在觉得很好看,但一段时间过去了又不以为然了,人就是那么喜新厌旧…Trend or taste is a very mysterious thing, sometimes certain things or styles seem very nice now, but after some time has passed you will not think so again.

鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given their propensity for having a low boredom threshold, they can “chop and change” their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given theirpropensity8 for having a low boredom threshold, they can "chop and change9" their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

鉴于他们很容易喜新厌旧的本性,他们的一生可能会出现几次“朝三暮四”的情况—尤其是这些星座的男性。Given their propensity8 for having a low boredom threshold, they can “chop and change9” their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.

我曾经就这个问题和一些营销学的教授进行过讨论,他们表示这可能和一些人喜新厌旧有关,这些人总是容易接受新时尚、新科技或是新车。I talked to some marketing professors, and they said it could be linked to the same reasons some people are early adapters of fashion or new technology or new car models.

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对于如何延长中国建筑的使用寿命,郑教授说,主要是要克服人们普遍存在的,对建筑物喜新厌旧的观念。To prolong the lives of Chinese buildings, Zheng says the main obstacle is overcoming the predominant new-trumps-old mindset, a goal that he thinks is achievable with the help of government support.