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造像即是尊敬。To portray is to honour.

这是乌尤山最早的佛教造像。This was the earliest image of Buddha on Mt. Wuyou.

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唐代,一个中国佛教造像的鼎盛时期。Tang Dynasty, a Chinese Buddhism statue prosperous time.

系我国东部最大的石窟造像群。Department of East China 's largest grotto sculpture group.

本论文在造像题材中重点对这些图像进行了探讨。This thesis puts special emphasis on studying these iconographies.

于是,清凉世界五台山就大兴土木,筑寺造像。So people in Wutai Mountain constructed temples and built Buddha statue.

这里的乐舞造像也以唐代的最精彩。The dancing sculptures and images are also the best in the Tang Dynasty.

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大海寺遗址出土的佛教造像以唐代中晚期造像艺术成就最高。A lot of Buddhism statues were excavated in the site of the Dahai temple.

晚唐以后,北方中原已经没有石窟造像作品出现。After the late Tang dynasty, there were no new grottos appeared in northern China.

束腰仰覆式莲花座,莲花瓣小巧精致,饱满圆润,具有明显的十五世纪造像风格特征。This double lotus pedestal with tiny and full petals has art style of the 15th century.

首先,论文对造像艺术的起源和发展进行了追溯。First of all, imaging papers for the origin and development of the arts have been traced.

在至圣所按造像的法子造两个基路伯,用金子包裹。In the Most Holy Place he made a pair of sculptured cherubim and overlaid them with gold.

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在至圣所按造像的法子造两个基路伯,用金子包裹。And in the most holy house he made two cherubims of image work, and overlaid them with gold.

东交民巷天主堂以其正门上方精美的天使造像而闻名。St. Michael Earl Church owes its fame to the exquisite Statue of Archangel above its front door.

著名的驼山石窟造像群,有大小石窟五座,摩崖造像638尊。The famous Tuoshan Grottoes statues group, with the size of grottoes five, 638 bronze statues of.

孔望山佛教摩崖造像群堪称世界文化的奇观。The Buddhist cliff carvings on Kongwang Mountain are regarded as one the world's cultural wonders.

淡彩造像乾净灵巧,绘出蜜桃肌肤、樱红朱唇与闪烁的杏仁眼睛。Neatly stylized pastels make way for fleshy peach tones, cherry pursed lips, and almond glazed eyes.

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其中以邺城的汉白玉造像、常乐寺的红砂石造像最为精美。Among them, the city of white marble statues Ye, John Temple, the most beautiful red sandstone statues.

此时脑部造像仪上会有明显的表示“有”或者“没有”的活动迹象。he showed distinct traces of activity on a brain imaging machine that represented either “yes” or “no.”

因此,背光代表着佛的炽盛,是佛教造像不可缺少的重要的组成部分。Therefore, back light symbolizes flourishing of Buddhism and is an indispensable part in Buddhist statues.