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不过这个问题有一个核心么?But is there a core?

那是我们的核心战略。That’s our core strategy.

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妈妈是家庭的核心。Mother is the home's core.

善政的核心是德治。Its core is a virtuous rule.

你的应用程序的核心是什么?What is the core of your app?

修复北桥核心选项值问题。Fixed NB core item value error.

判罚核心的公关下降到3!Sizzled Core's PR dropped to 3!

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那就是计算机的核心。That's the heart of a computer.

这是他的核心信念之一。This is one of his core beliefs.

但是核心的想法是正确的.Yet kernel of the idea is right.

这是我们的核心任务。That's the core function of WHCF.

是围绕核心抽象的模式数量么?The number of patterns around it?

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数据库是“组态王”最核心的部分。Database is King part of the core.

我会把焦点放在核心问题上。I would focus on the core problem.

指针是C语言的核心。Pointer is the core of C-language.

设置全系统范围的核心限制Setting the core limit system-wide

凌阳核心科技股份有限公司。Sunplus Core Technology Co. , Ltd.

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适应问题的核心是资金。The core of adaptation is funding.

然后构建核心翻译程序。The core translator is then built.

你们是我们竞选的核心。You are the heart of our campaign.