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这家店歇业三星期。The shop is closed for three weeks.

关厂歇业或无法依劳动契约给付工作报酬。The factory is shut down or failed to pay wages.

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该商号节日期间歇业。The firm closed business for the time of the holiday.

企业歇业是企业终止的一种情形。Closeout of an enterprise is a form of termination of an enterprise.

听说日曜日是休息日,市肆都关门歇业。Sunday was known as the day of rest, when the shops were shut and businesses closed.

他仅经商数月,便由于投资不足而歇业。He only traded for a few months and went out of business because he was undercapitalized.

因清偿债务、转产、歇业而降价销售商品。Selling any commodity due to debt liquidation, change of business, or closedown of business.

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我们发现,经常闹臭虫的企业得歇业来处理这个问题。We're finding that businesses who have bedbugs oftentimes will close to remediate the problem.

企业歇业是指企业停止经营活动且不再继续。The closeout of an enterprise means the enterprise has permanently ceased its business activities.

它是歇业停课的日子,是因为很多营业场所停止营业带来不便的日子,是醉酒的日子,抑或是去野餐的日子?Or is it a day of inconvenience because many places of business are closed? Is it a day to get drunk?

荷兰特种行业工会指出他们害怕那些被强迫歇业的女生将会流落到街头。The Dutch Sex Workers Union fears that many women and girls will be forced to start walking the streets.

为了让人们参加公投和保证安全,朱巴的所有商店都关门歇业。In order for people to participate in the referendum and ensure safety, all the shops in Juba are closed.

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她认为,加州58家县级法院中,有15到28家都有可能在来年关门歇业。Between 15 to 28 of California’s 58 county courts could go over that cliff in the coming year, she thinks.

通过赢得政府歇业问题的争论,我们击败了支持“美利坚契约”的哲学。We had defeated the philosophy behind the Contract with America by winning the government shutdown debate.

例如,总统论及一年多前歇业的各市场,现在又再度营业。The president referred, for example, to markets that were shuttered a year ago, but which were now re-opening.

并且,不要忘记了,也有很多中年跳槽职员或歇业者在他们的晚年又重新开始人生的第二、第三职业。And don't forget mid-life career changers and retirees who start a second or third career in their later years!

许多东京居民待在家里,往日熙熙攘攘的街道变得冷冷清清,许多商店关门歇业.Many Tokyo residents stayed indoors, however, usually busy streets were nearly deserted and many shops were closed.

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我们的代表大会取得了成功,多尔因为与金里奇和使政府歇业有牵连而遭到严厉批评。Our convention had been a success, and Dole was tarred by his association with Gingrich and the government shutdown.

由于店铺歇业、食物短缺,幸存的人类会把动物园当成储存异国食物的肉店。With stores closed and food scarce, human survivors start regarding the zoo as an exotically stocked butcher's shop.

这是一个联邦公假日,几乎所有政府机关和学校都会放假,大多数商家也会歇业。It is an official federal holiday, and virtually all government offices and schools —and most businesses —are closed.